job specifications

listen to the pronunciation of job specifications
English - English

Definition of job specifications in English English dictionary

job specification
A superuser-defined template for a Perforce job New fields can be defined, and unneeded fields deleted
job specification
definition of the knowledge, skills, and abilities and the associated education, training, and experience required to successfully perform a job These also constitute the minimum recruiting criteria or minimum qualifications for the job
job specification
a description of the qualifications necessary for a specific job, in terms of education, experience, and personal and physical characteristics
job specification
The knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to successfully perform the job
job specification
The specific skills, education, and experience needed to perform a job
job specifications


    Job specifications

    Turkish pronunciation

    cōb spesıfıkeyşınz


    /ˈʤōb ˌspesəfəˈkāsʜənz/ /ˈʤoʊb ˌspɛsəfəˈkeɪʃənz/