james batcheller sumner

listen to the pronunciation of james batcheller sumner
English - English
born Nov. 19, 1887, Canton, Mass., U.S. died Aug. 12, 1955, Buffalo, N.Y. U.S. biochemist. He taught at Cornell University (1929-55). In 1926 he became the first researcher to crystallize an enzyme (urease); he later crystallized catalase and worked on purification of various other enzymes, which led to recognition that most enzymes are proteins. This work earned him (with John Howard Northrop and Wendell Meredith Stanley) a 1946 Nobel Prize. In 1947 he became director of Cornell's laboratory of enzyme chemistry, established in recognition of his work
James Sumner
born Nov. 19, 1887, Canton, Mass., U.S. died Aug. 12, 1955, Buffalo, N.Y. U.S. biochemist. He taught at Cornell University (1929-55). In 1926 he became the first researcher to crystallize an enzyme (urease); he later crystallized catalase and worked on purification of various other enzymes, which led to recognition that most enzymes are proteins. This work earned him (with John Howard Northrop and Wendell Meredith Stanley) a 1946 Nobel Prize. In 1947 he became director of Cornell's laboratory of enzyme chemistry, established in recognition of his work
james batcheller sumner


    James batcheller Sum·ner

    Turkish pronunciation

    ceymz bäçılır sʌmnır


    /ˈʤāmz ˈbaʧələr ˈsəmnər/ /ˈʤeɪmz ˈbæʧəlɜr ˈsʌmnɜr/