izotonik,osmotik basınçları eşit olan

listen to the pronunciation of izotonik,osmotik basınçları eşit olan
Turkish - English
Having the same concentration of solutes as human blood

Use an isotonic saline solution in your neti pot to prevent irritation of your nasal passages.

having the same osmotic pressure
Of or involving muscular contraction against resistance in which the length of the muscle changes. Antonym is isometric. Isotonic movements are either concentric (working muscle shortens) or eccentric (working muscle lengthens). See also
Having the same salinity as body fluids
relating to or characterized by the equal intervals of the well-tempered scale; "isotonic tuning"
of or involving muscular contraction in which tension is constant while length changes
of or involving muscular contraction in which tension is constant while length changes (used of solutions) having the same or equal osmotic pressure of two or more muscles; having equal tension relating to or characterized by the equal intervals of the well-tempered scale; "isotonic tuning
Having or indicating, equal tones, or tension
{s} of a solution which has the same osmotic pressure as another (Chemistry, Physiology); having equal tones (Music)
having equal tension
two solutions having the same concentrations of solutes
having an osmotic pressure equal to that of the surrounding fluid or medium
Constant loading of a muscle, with variable velocity
muscle contraction where tension is equal throughout the range of motion J K L
Relating to isotonicity or isotonia Having equal tension; denoting solutions possesing the same osmotic pressure; more specifically, limited to situations in which cells can neither swell nor shrink
(used of solutions) having the same or equal osmotic pressure
of two or more muscles; having equal tension
izotonik,osmotik basınçları eşit olan