As an instrument of economic policy, incantation does not permit of minor doubts or scruples..
Last week the decision on two points was conclusive: the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. will not permit ordination of women as ministers, but will permit their election as ruling elders, permission which makes possible a woman as moderator.
He was ultimately cleared, but during that period, Mr. Ackman said, his lawyers would not permit him to defend himself publicly.
After a heated discussion, a compromise was adopted. Smokers will be allowed to smoke in the smoking corner.
- Hararetli bir tartışmadan sonra,uzlaşma sağlandı.Sigara içme köşesinde sigara içenlerin sigara içmesine izin verilecek.
My father won't allow me to keep a dog.
- Babam benim köpek bakmama izin vermez.