it's a great pity

listen to the pronunciation of it's a great pity
English - Turkish
çok yazık
it's a pity

Ne yazık ki o onunla evlenemez. - It's a pity that he can't get married to her.

Ne yazık ki gelemezsin. - It's a pity you can't come.

it's a pity
çok yazık
English - English

Definition of it's a great pity in English English dictionary

it's a pity
what a shame, the heart aches
it's a great pity


    it's a great pi·ty

    Turkish pronunciation

    îts ı greyt pîti


    /əts ə ˈgrāt ˈpətē/ /ɪts ə ˈɡreɪt ˈpɪtiː/