
listen to the pronunciation of istemciye
Turkish - English
(Bilgisayar) client
Person who receives help or advice from a professional person (ex. a lawyer, an accountant, a social worker, a psychiatrist, etc)
The role of a computer application or system that requests and/or consumes the services provided by another having the role of server
A legal term: According to Corpus Juris Secundum, A client (of an Attorney) is defined as "a Ward of the Court". "Wards of the Court" are defined as infants or persons of "unsound mind". "Unsound mind" has been defined and used in statutes and codes indescriminantly with such things as "lunacy" (peridodic madness), "idiocy" and "insanity". see Blacks Law dictionary 4th Edition
{n} an employer of an attorney, a dependant
{i} customer, buyer
A software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a server software program on another computer, often across a great distance Each client program is designed to work with one or more specific kinds of server programs, and each server requires a specific kind of client A web browser and an FTP program are specific kinds of clients See Also: Browser, Server
On a local area network or the Internet, a computer that accesses shared network resources provided by another computer, called a server Also, an application or process that requests a service from some process or component A client facilitates a connection to server computers, and manages and presents information retrieved from those sources In a client/server environment, the workstation is usually the client computer When referring to COM objects, a program that accesses or uses a service provided by another component
A dependent; one under the protection of another
A software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a server software program on another computer Each client program is designed to work with one or more specific kinds of server programs, and each server requires a specific kind of client A Web browser is one type of client
A customer or receiver of services
A program or computer that connects to and requests information from a server Examples: Internet Explorer or Netscape A client program also may be referred to as "client software" or "client-server software"
A computer system or process that requests service from another computer system or process (server) In our laboratory, the machine you are using is called the client, and ANGUS (a large computer in Weber Hall that provides services for our LAN) is the server In a client-server relationship, the computing work is done on the client Software that requests information from other sources (such as Netscape) is known as client software
Typically, a client is an application that runs on a personal computer and relies on a server to perform some operations In client-server architecture, client software handles sending and receiving on your end, while server software handles sending and receiving on the Internet's end For example, your e-mail client (for instance, Outlook Express or Eudora) is an application that enables you to send and receive e-mail, and it gets your mail from our e-mail servers here at SBC Yahoo! Internet Back to Top
Consists of a hardware and a software component A software application that requests services from one or more servers Each client program is designed to work with one or more specific kinds of server programs, and each server requires a specific kind of client The user interface part of a DBMS that displays information on a screen and responds to user input (the front end) (See client, server)
A computer program that requests a service of another computer system (a "server") See also client-server
A software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a Server software program on another computer, often across a great distance EachClient program is designed to work with one or more specific kinds of Server programs, and each Server requires a specific kind of Client A Web Browser is a specific kind of Client See also: Browser, Client, Server
A citizen who put himself under the protection of a man of distinction and influence, who was called his patron
Computer (or software program on a computer) that uses the services of a server For example, Mosaic and Netscape are software clients used to access information from World Wide Web servers
One who consults a legal adviser, or submits his cause to his management
The software employed by an individual user to retrieve or manipulate a specific piece of information from a server on the Internet Browsers are the client used to access the Web

As you requested, I have attached a recent passport-sized photograph. - İstemiş olduğunuz gibi, yeni çekilmiş bir vesikalık fotoğrafımı ekledim.

I must request you to obey my orders. - Emirlerime uymanı istemeliyim.

(Ticaret) run

I don't want to run such a risk. - Böyle bir riske girmek istemiyorum.

I don't want to run into her. - Ona rastlamak istemiyorum.

(Bilgisayar) prompt

I do not want to reject this claim. - Ben bu iddiayı reddetmek istemiyorum.


Are you sure you don't want to consider another option? - Başka bir seçenek düşünmek istemediğinden emin misin?


I don't want to go. It's your call. - Ben gitmek istemiyorum. O senin çağrın.

This United Nations resolution calls for the withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict. - Bu Birleşmiş Milletler kararı İsrail'in silahlı güçlerinin son çatışmalarda işgal edilen bölgelerden çekilmesini istemektedir.


Jack made me go there against my will. - Jack, istemediğim halde beni oraya gönderdi.

If anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either. - Çalışmak istemeyen, yemek de yemesin.

will, volition
demand, request; will, volition
formal request, demand

The reporters demanded to know why the mayor wouldn't talk to them. - Muhabirler, belediye başkanının neden onlarla konuşmak istemediğini bilmek istediler.

I didn't demand anything. - Hiçbir şey istemedim.

Turkish - Turkish

Definition of istemciye in Turkish Turkish dictionary

Bir kimseden bir şeyi yapmasını veya yapmamasını isteme, talep, arzu
İrade veya isteğin eylem durumunda belirmesi
Bir kimseden bir şeyi yapmasını veya yapmamasını isteme, talep, arzu: "Senin yanındayım, sana geliyorum / Senin isteminle cana geliyorum."- F. Halıcı. İrade veya isteğin eylem durumunda belirmesi
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