Telefon Bell'e atfedilen buluşlar arasında yer alıyor.
- The telephone is among the inventions attributed to Bell.
Dil insanlığın en önemli buluşlarından biridir.
- Language is one of the most important inventions of mankind.
Tanrı olmasa onu icat etmek zorunda kalırız.
- If God did not exist, we'd have to invent him.
Bahaneler icat etmekte çok kötüdür.
- He is very bad at inventing excuses.
Çamaşır makinası muhteşem bir icat.
- The washing machine is a wonderful invention.
Otomobil harika bir icat.
- The automobile is a wonderful invention.
Bilgisayar nispeten yeni bir buluş.
- The computer is a relatively recent invention.
Buluşunuzu önemsiyoruz.
- We have a good opinion of your invention.
Bu makineyi kim icat etti?
- Who invented this machine?
Karaokeyi kim icat etti?
- Who invented karaoke?
Keşke benim zengin olmam için yeterince satan bir şeyi bulmak için yeterince akıllı olsam.
- I wish I was smart enough to invent something that sold well enough for me to get rich.
Matbaanın bulunuşu tarihteki en büyük olaydır.
- The invention of printing is the greatest event in history.
Elektriğin keşfi sayısız buluş icat etmiştir.
- The discovery of electricity gave birth to an innumerable number of inventions.
Tom yeni icadını hem John'a hem de Mary'ye tanımladı.
- Tom described his new invention to both John and Mary.
Atlar yol-silindirlerini çekerdi fakat buhar motorunun icadıyla buhar silindirleri geldi.
- Horses used to pull road-rollers, but the steamroller arrived with the invention of the steam engine.
Far off he wonders, what them makes so glad, / If Bacchus merry fruit they did inuent .
That judicial method which serveth best for the invention of truth.
Warren Sheffield is telephoning Rose long distance at half past six. Personally, I wouldn't marry a man who proposed to me over an invention.
I particularly like the inventions in C-minor.
... helped lead to the ideas and inventions behind Google and smartphones ...
... and countless other inventions and ideas around the world. ...