
listen to the pronunciation of into
English - Turkish

Peynirin içine bıçak saplamayın. - Don't thrust your knife into the cheese.

Norveç'te yaşanan katliam ve son günlerde İngiltere'deki ayaklanma ve yağma, dünyanın içine sürüklendiği durum itibarı ile dehşet vericidir. - The massacre in Norway and the recent rebellion and the booty in England, are dreadful in consideration of the circumstances that the world drifted into.

içine doğru

o evine içine doğru koştuğunda , kedi kasılarak ipliğin etrafında yürüyordu. - The cat was strutting around the yard, when it suddenly ran into the house.

Tom suyun içine doğru yürüdü. - Tom waded into the water.

(Bilgisayar) yeni iletileri
in içine
-e meraklı

Donan bir dilenci tedavi için hastaneye getirildi. Fakat faturayı ödemek için bir senti bile yoktu. - A freezing beggar was brought into the hospital for treatment. However, he didn't have even one cent with which to settle the bill.

Tom Mary'nin hastane odasına bir şişe viski kaçırdı - Tom smuggled a bottle of whiskey into Mary's hospital room.

(bölme işleminde) -de
edat içine
{e} içine; içeri; -e, -ye
{e} ye
be into ile meşgul olmak
{e} haline

Üzümler şarap haline getirilir. - Grapes are made into wine.

Kasaba bir şehir haline geldi. - The town grew into a city.

{e} içeriye

Tom kapı camını kırdı, içeriye girdi, kapının kilidini açtı ve arabaya bindi. - Tom broke the door window, reached inside, unlocked the door and got into the car.

meraklısı olmak
come into existence
go into

Her zaman gösteri işine girmek istedim. - I always wanted to go into show business.

O arabaya girmek istedi. - She wanted to go into the carriage.

turn into
into drive
(Bilgisayar) sürücüye
into smithereens
bin bir parçaya
into the bargain
into the bargain
ek olarak
into the bargain
into thin air
tümüyle gözden uzak
into car
Araç içine
into one
içine bir
into one another
birbiri içinde
into or within the myocardium
içine veya miyokard içinde
into pieces or parts
parçaları veya kısma
into the distance
Uzakta ama görüş ve duyuş menzilinde

1. We saw lights in the distance. 2. Alice stood staring into the distance. 3. Five miles of sand stretched away into the distance.

into the night
into the small hours
sabahın erken saati
into this
bunun içine
into two sections or parts
iki bölüm veya kısma
into/to smithereens
bin bir parçaya
into plane service
(Askeri) UÇAK DEPOSUNA İKMAL: Akaryakıt ve yağların, bir kontrat esasında göre, uçaklara ikmali
into the bargain
into the bargain
bir de
into the bargain
üstelik, caba
into the presence
into the presence
into thin air
(deyim) aniden yok olmak
infuse into
insert a provision into a law
(Kanun) yasaya hüküm koymak
insert into
introduce into
içine sokmak
introduce into
(deyim) içine yerleştirmek
introduce into
-e sunmak
introduce into
-e tanıtmak
introduce into
(deyim) içine geçmek
intrude into
(deyim) burnunu sokmak
in a higher place; overhead; into or from heaven
Daha yüksek bir yerde, havai; içine veya gökten
induct s.o. into the army
birini askere almak
infuse new life into
yeni bir hayat aşılamak
installing a new primer into a case
bir durumda yeni bir astar installing
interlocked, meshed, put into gear
Dövülmüş vites koymak kilitli
introduced into the body
vücuda tanıttı
incorporate into a booklet
kitapçık haline getirmek
induct s.o. into
birini resmen -in üyesi yapmak
induct s.o. into the
birini askere almak
induct someone into the army
birini askere almak
infiltrate s.o. into
birini -e sızdırmak
infiltrate someone into
birini bir yere sızdırmak
infuse into
telkin etmek
infuse into
ilham vermek
initial entry into military service
(Askeri) ASKERİ HİZMETE İLK GİRİŞ: ABD Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin herhangi bir kuvvetinde tayini gönüllü veya celp yoluyla askere almayla ilk defa askeri statüye (faal görev veya ihtiyat) giriş. Tayin; subay veya astsubay; Silahlı Kuvvetlerin Harp okullarına askeri öğrenci veya deniz subay adayı olarak giriş veya sivil bir kuruluşta ABD Deniz İhtiyat Subayları Eğitim Sınıfı eğitimi için deniz subay adayı; ABD Deniz İhtiyatı olarak olabilir
inquire into
inquire into
soruşturma yapmak (birisine)
inquire into

O, davayı soruşturmak için özel bir dedektif kiraladı. - She hired a private detective to inquire into the case.

inquire into
tahkikat yapmak (birisine)
instill in into
yavaş yavaş telketmek
instill in into
yavaş yavaş aşılamak
instill into
yavaş yavaş telketmek
instill into
yavaş yavaş aşılamak
introduce alkyl into
(Tekstil) alkilleştirmek
intrude oneself into
(Dilbilim) çat kapı gitmek
intrude oneself into
(Dilbilim) davetsiz gitmek
intrude oneself into
(Dilbilim) kendi kendini davet etmek
look into
(deyim) look into sth. arastirmak,sorusturmak
run into
-e rast gelmek
look into
{f} incelemek

Dedektif meseleyi derhal incelemek için söz verdi. - The detective promised to look into the matter right away.

Bunu incelemek istiyorum. - I want to look into this.

break into
hırsızlık yapmak
fall into
başlamak (konuşma vb.)
walk into
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- -e girmek 2- (yemeği) iştahla yemek
be out of the frying pan into the fire
(Muhasebe) Yağmurdan kaçarken doluya tutulmak
bursted into tears
göz yaşlarına boğulmak
come into operation
Yürürlüğe girmek
ease into
Zorlanmadan ulaşmak, zorlanmadan kazanmak
fade into oblivion
Unutulmaya yüz tutmak
get into a row
(Ev ile ilgili) Kavga etmek, kavgaya tutuşmak
poke one's nose into something
Burnunu sokmak, üzerine vazife olmayan bir işe karışmak
take the law into one's own hands
Kendi adaletini uygulamak
talk someone into something
Birini birşeye inandırmak, birini birşeye ikna etmek
break into
(deyim) kıkırdamaya başlamak
break into
lafa karışmak
break into
(deyim) ansızın gülmeye başlamak
break into
(deyim) haneye tecavüz etmek
break into
konuşmayı kesmek
break into
break into
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- kırıp girmek 2- birden bire başlamak
break into
break into
(deyim) kapıyı kırarak girmek
bring into being
(deyim) oluşturmak
bump into
buy into
alışveriş yapmak
buy into
müşteri olmak
check into
come into
mirasa konuvermek
come into
elde et
come into being
var olmak
come into force
yürürlüğe girmek
convert into
(Fiili Deyim ) dönüştürmek , takas etmek
crash into
delve into
dip into
disappear into thin air
(deyim) iz birakmadan yok olmak
divide into
enter into force
(Ticaret) yürürlüğe koymak
escalate into
fall into
fall into
get into
(deyim) get into one's stride tam yoluna girmek
get into
(Fiili Deyim ) -e girmek , giymek , binmek
get into trouble
belaya çatmak, başı belaya girmek
get into trouble
belaya çatmak
get into trouble
başını belaya sokmak
get into trouble
belaya uğramak
get into trouble
derde sokmak
get into trouble
başı derde girmek
go into
(bir mesleğe) girmek
lay into
-i haşlamak, -i azarlamak
lay into
(deyim) lay into someone [kd] saldirmak
lead into
(Fiili Deyim ) -e sürüklenmek
look into
{f} içine bakmak

Bunun içine bakmak ister misin? - Do you want to look into it?

look into
-e bakmak, -i araştırmak, -i incelemek, -i soruşturmak
look into

Onlar kazanın nedenlerini araştırmak için anlaştılar - They agreed to look into the causes of the accident.

Hükümet, sorunu araştırmak için bir komite kurdu. - The government has set up a committee to look into the problem.

look into
{f} yoklamak
look into
{f} içeri bakmak
make into
(Fiili Deyim ) -e haline getirmek , -e dönüştürmek
merge into
karışıp kaybol
merge into
(Fiili Deyim ) -in içinde erimek , kaybolmak
plow into
{k} -e girişmek
push into
put into effect
uygulamaya koymak
read into
(deyim) read sth. into sth. yanlış yorumlamak
run into
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- girmek , düşmek 2- -e rastlamak 3- çarpmak , çarpışmak 4- -e varmak -yı bulmak , -e ulaşmak
rush into
aceleye getirmek
sink into
smash into
(Fiili Deyim ) -e şiddetle çarpmak
take into consideration
göz önünde bulundurmak
take into consideration
take into consideration
nazarı dikkate almak
talk into
ikna et
walk into
{f} burun buruna gelmek
walk into
(deyim) aşağılamak
walk into
{f} saldırmak
be broken into pieces
un ufak olmak
be broken into small pieces
break into pieces
parçalarına ayırmak
bring into
bring into being
(deyim) kurmak
bring into contempt
(Konuşma Dili) aşağılamak
bring into contempt
(Konuşma Dili) hor görmek
bring into existence
(deyim) kurmak
bring into existence
bring into focus
(deyim) odaklamak
bring into line
(deyim) haddini bildirmek
bring out into the open
açığa çıkarmak
business into
(Ticaret) dışa açılma
come into one's head
aklına gelmek
come into operation
faaliyete geçmek
come into play
kullanılmaya başlamak
come into prominence
ön plana çıkmak
convert into mosque
camiye dönüştürmek
crush into submission
(deyim) boyun eğmek
crush into submission
(deyim) dize gelmek
cut into halves
yarıya bölmek
descent into desperation
karamsarlığa kapılmak
develop into a pupa
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) pupa evresini geçirmek
divide into
divide into quarters
dörde bölmek
drill into
(Bilgisayar) ayrıntıya git
enable into
(Bilgisayar) etkinleştir
fall into sin
fit into
flood into
(Konuşma Dili) sel gibi gelmek
get into
içeri girmek
get into
get into a job
get into a rage
get into line
hizaya gelmek
go into
-e sığmak
grow into
haline gelmek
hammer into
(deyim) kafasına sokmaya çalışmak
lace into
(Dilbilim) çatmak
lace into
(Dilbilim) saldırmak
launch into
lay into
(Dilbilim) çatmak
lay into
(Dilbilim) saldırmak
let into
make into
-e dönüştürmek
offer an insight into
açılım sunmak
put into
-e para vermek
put into
para yatımak
put into
(gemi) -e girmek
put into
-e tercüme etmek
put into
para yatırmak
put into practice
pratiğe aktarmak
put into practice
pratiğe dönüştürmek
put something into one's head
aklına sokmak
ran into
retire into seclusion
inzivaya çekilmek
rub salt into the wound
(deyim) yaraya tuz biber ekmek
run into
English - English
Going inside (of)

Mary danced into the house.

The operation of division, with the denominator expressed first

Three into two won't go.

Intensely interested in or attracted to

I'm so into you!.

Against, especially with force or violence

I wasn't careful, and walked into a wall.

Investigation of a subject

Call for research into pesticides blamed for vanishing bees.

The operation of multiplication.“into” in OED Online, Oxford University Press, 1989

Five into three is fifteen.

Going to a geographic region

The plane flew into the open air.

Producing, becoming

Right before our eyes, Jake turned into a wolf!.

Taking distinct arguments to distinct values

The exponential function maps the set of real numbers into itself.

If you are walking or driving a vehicle and you bump into something or crash into something, you hit it accidentally. A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform
If you put one thing into another, you put the first thing inside the second. Combine the remaining ingredients and put them into a dish Until the 1980s almost all olives were packed into jars by hand. = in
The "Into" phase can be one of pain or joy This phase breaks "impassable" barriers Much suffering may occur or delusional joy Many never pass beyond this phase; they just return to being "normal"
into In addition to the uses shown below, into is used after some verbs and nouns in order to introduce extra information. Into is also used with verbs of movement, such as `walk' and `push', and in phrasal verbs such as `enter into' and `talk into'
If something continues into a period of time, it continues until after that period of time has begun. He had three children, and lived on into his sixties
prep [against (The car ran ~ the tree)] pada 2 prep [{showing movement towards the inside}] kedalam (dalam)
account that women and men are affected differently by policies and programs, and addresses the inequities that may result
1 Using a particular drug or interested in a specific subject ("into mescaline", "into science fiction")
Expressing penetration beyond the outside or surface, or access to the inside, or contents; as, to look into a letter or book; to look into an apartment
An investigation into a subject or event is concerned with that subject or event. The concert will raise funds for research into Aids
If you are very interested in something and like it very much, you can say that you are into it. I'm into electronics myself
1) do the operation ("" or "÷") from right to left -- "Divide three into fifteen " (25) 2) become that or there -- " convert one module of programming code into lively graphics " (227)
To the inside of; within
If something changes into something else, it then has a new form, shape, or nature. his attempt to turn a nasty episode into a joke
If something is cut or split into a number of pieces or sections, it is divided so that it becomes several smaller pieces or sections. Sixteen teams are taking part, divided into four groups
When you get into a piece of clothing, you put it on. She could change into a different outfit in two minutes
Indicating insertion; as, to infuse more spirit or animation into a composition
{e} to; toward the inside, in the direction of; to the state or condition of
If one thing gets into another, the first thing enters the second and becomes part of it. Poisonous smoke had got into the water supply
If you talk someone into doing something, you persuade them to do it. Gerome tried to talk her into taking an apartment in Paris
If you move or go into a particular career or business, you start working in it. In the early 1990s, it was easy to get into the rental business
If someone or something gets into a particular state, they start being in that state. I slid into a depression
Expressing entrance, or a passing from the outside of a thing to its interior parts; following verbs expressing motion; as, come into the house; go into the church; one stream falls or runs into another; water enters into the fine vessels of plants
Indicating the passing of a thing from one form, condition, or state to another; as, compound substances may be resolved into others which are more simple; ice is convertible into water, and water into vapor; men are more easily drawn than forced into compliance; we may reduce many distinct substances into one mass; men are led by evidence into belief of truth, and are often enticed into the commission of crimes; she burst into tears; children are sometimes frightened into fits; all persons are liable to be seduced into error and folly
Denoting inclusion; as, put these ideas into other words
If you go into a place or vehicle, you move from being outside it to being inside it. I have no idea how he got into Iraq He got into bed and started to read
entering or changing form, as in: She drove into the parking lot and found a space
If one thing goes into another, the first thing moves from the outside to the inside of the second thing, by breaking or damaging the surface of it. The rider came off and the handlebar went into his neck
It is used in a variety of applications
The Irish national teacher's organisation
into detail
Thoroughly; including every detail

I don't know much about it, so I hope I don't have to go into detail.

into thin air
immediately and inexplicably out of sight

He seemed to vanish into thin air.

into the distance
Far away but still able to be seen or heard

1. We saw lights in the distance. 2. Alice stood staring into the distance. 3. Five miles of sand stretched away into the distance.

into the bargain
addition to the deal, supplement to the transaction
into the hands of
under the authority of, into the possession of, under the control of
into the night
towards the night, into the night-time
into the wind
in the direction of the wind, in the air
infuse blood into
give a blood infusion
infuse new blood into
transfuse blood into
initiate into society
admit into an organized society
inquire into
investigate, look into, ask about
instill ideas into
slowly place ideas into
interesting peek into
interesting look at (something)
a into g
arse into gear (English), ass into gear (American)

C'mon Geoffrey, we're already five minutes late, so get your a into g!.

back into
To rely upon another team's loss in order to advance to the post-season

The 2006 St. Louis Cardinals backed into the playoffs.

break into
To enter illegally or by force, especially in order to commit a crime

Somebody broke into his car and stole his tools and CDs.

break into
To begin suddenly

The horse broke into a gallop as they neared the barn.

break into
To open or begin to use

I finally broke into the second package of cookies.

break into
To successfully enter a profession or business

He hopes to break into show business.

breaking into
Present participle of break into
breaks into
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of break into
broken into
Simple past tense and past participle of break into
build into
to add components to a larger entity without interfering with the purpose or functionality of the larger entity
bump into
To meet by chance

We bumped into each other at the library yesterday.

bump into
To collide with

He bumped into the wall. I guess that's a risk you take when you read while walking.

bump into
To cause (a thing) to collide with

The roads were so slippery that I couldn't stop, and I bumped my car into the car in front of me.

buy into
believe; accept a craze or fad for valid

I don't buy into all this propaganda.

buy into
To buy stocks or shares of (a business)

We bought into a local electrical firm.

come into being
To form; to start to exist

Sociologists would like to study how this phenomenon came into being.

come into effect
To become enforceable, or applicable

The new rules will come into effect on the 1st of January.

come into its own
to be very helpful or to do well in a particular situation
creep into
To enter something or somewhere by creeping
creep into
To enter surreptitiously
dip a toe into
To enter or get involved in tentatively and for the first time

Surabaya's crumbling old town is the best place to dip a toe into the city's soul.

dip into
To spend some of one's savings
dip into
To read parts of something

Dip into a nice book.

enter into
To become legally committed to

One must be of legal age to enter into a contract.

enter into
To engage in a formal process

The country entered into peace talks with the militants.

enter into
To be relevant; to be a contributing factor

He did the crime and will go to jail - the fact that he did not know it was illegal does not enter into it.

fall into
To be classified as; to fall under

That falls into three categories.

fall into
To go into something by falling

The cat might fall into the pool if you're not careful.

fall into
To enter something (especially a profession) without having planned it

Most of us didn't plan to be designers, we just fell into the job.

feed into
to be a tributary of another river or waterway

The River Frome feeds into the Avon in the centre of Bristol.

fit into
To be of similar cultural or social status as the members of a group of people

As a retired sergeant, you should fit into the crowd at the officers' club.

fit into
To be of the right size and shape to be placed in a location

The round peg will fit into the circular hole.

get into
To enter an unfavourable state

How did we get into such a mess?.

get into
To become involved in a discussion or issue

He got into politics.

get into
To reach into an object

The small child got into everything.

get into
To move into an object, such that one ends up inside it

She got into the car.

get into one's stride
To become familiar with something recently learnt
get into someone's pants
To have sex with

My groupie has been trying to get into my pants for ages. Maybe one day I’ll give in to her demands.

get into trouble
to become pregnant
get into trouble
To perform an action which is illegal, prohibited, forbidden or proscribed and to become subject to punishment for such action
get one's claws into
Have a controlling influence over

Once that bank gets its claws into you, it doesn't let go easily.

get stuck into
To start eating

Dinner's ready! Quick, get stuck into it!.

get stuck into
To criticise someone; tell off; get mad at

Why are you getting stuck into me all of the sudden? I didn't do anything!.

get stuck into
Get busy with; become occupied with; become immersed in

If you really want to get stuck into a bit of archaeology, check out the Archaeological Resource Centre .

give into
to give in to
grow into
To grow in size, so as to be able to fit something (especially an item of clothing)

His new jumper was a bit big for him, but he'll grow into it in a couple of years.

grow into
To become accustomed to something by maturing

At first, the new job as managing director was way over my head, but I grew into it.

hack into
To reduce something to by hacking with a cutting instrument

After all that work, the result was something I just wanted to hack into pieces.

hack into
To gain unauthorized entry to (a computer system), particularly by exploiting little-known weaknesses

From these log files, it looks like someone tried to hack into our server last night!.

key into
To grasp; to understand the overall concept of or be acutely aware of the underlying and essential meaning of something. To get it
kick into touch
To cease having dealings with someone or something because of problems

That supplier has failed to deliver on time yet again! We ought to kick them into touch.

kick into touch
To reject someone or something

It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I'm going to have to kick it into touch.

kick into touch
To kick a ball over the touchline in a game of rugby or football
lay into
To beat up
lay into
To berate; to scold
light into
To attack physically

Father grabbed the two guns and told me to light into the other man. I jumped on him and started choking him..

light into
To attack verbally; scold

He speaks with more passion than ever, lighting into George W. Bush for fumbling the economy.

look into
to investigate, explore, or consider

If you are buying a new car, you might want to look into getting a hybrid or other high-efficiency vehicle.

looked into
Simple past tense and past participle of look into
looking into
Present participle of look into
looks into
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of look into
make into
To cause (the first object) to become (the second object), to change

The potion made him into a toad.

melt into
To disappear into
out of the frying pan and into the fire
Alternative form of out of the frying pan, into the fire
out of the frying pan into the fire
Alternative form of out of the frying pan, into the fire
out of the frying pan, into the fire
From an already bad situation to a worse one
paint oneself into a corner
To create a predicament or problem for oneself; to do something that leaves one with no good alternatives or solutions
ploughed into
Simple past tense and past participle of plough into
ploughing into
Present participle of plough into
ploughs into
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of plough into
plowed into
Simple past tense and past participle of plow into
plowing into
Present participle of plow into
plows into
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of plow into
poke one's nose into
to interfere or try to intervene in an issue that does not concern one

Have a nice day, Mr Perelman! said the cabbie. Listen! he said, Don't poke your nose into my affairs. I'll have the kind of day I want to..

put into effect
To implement; to execute; to carry out
put into practice
To take a theory and make it a practical reality

But there remain two problems to resolve before the plan can be put into practice.

put one's back into
To make a strenuous effort to do something

When he puts his back into the work, he gets quite a lot done.

put something into perspective
To compare with something similar to give a clearer, more accurate idea

You can put your worries into perspective when you realise how many people in the world are so much worse off than you.

rip into
To attack or criticise
run into
To collide with

He lost control of the vehicle and ran into a tree.

run into
To blend into; to be followed by or adjacent to without there being a clear boundary

Of course, a show might start at a certain time, and one must place bets at the sports book at the right time, but for the most part, day runs into night and night runs into day without notice or comment.

run into
To cause to blend into

You can use the paintbrush this way to run the colors into each other.

run into
To encounter or meet unexpectedly (literally or figuratively)

Everything was going according to plan until we ran into the legal problems.

run into
To enter by running

He ran into the building.

run into
To reach, to flow into (a body of water)

Œāso, on the coast, at the northern extremity of the Pyrenees, where the River Magrăda, now Urumea, runs into the sea.

run into
To cause to collide with

He lost control of the vehicle and ran it into a tree.

run into
To reach a large figure

By the end, the cost of the project ran into the millions of dollars.

run into the ground
To wear out, especially through excessive use

I figure this car has a few more years left in it and I intend to run it into the ground before purchasing another.

run into the ground
To discuss ad nauseam

You've run the upcoming election into the ground and I simply won't listen to another word about it.

run into the ground
To mismanage to the point of ruin

Although he has an MBA from Harvard, he still ran the company into the ground.

see into
To perceive the truth about, especially of future events
see into
To escort into, especially a place of shelter

Just see her into the house.

sign into law
To sign legislation as a mark of official approval
sink one's teeth into
To become involved in; particularly in an enthusiastic manner

He can't wait to sink his teeth into the new project.

slip into something a little more comfortable
To wear something suitable to be stripped off by a lover

She paused a moment before coming out of the bathroom, appreciating the irony of how uncomfortable her lingerie was, only moments after asking him if he minded if she slipped into something a little more comfortable.

square peg into a round hole
Something that does not fit well (or at all); something that will not work as attempted, except possibly with much force and effort
stick one's nose into
to interfere or try to intervene in (an issue that does not concern one)

Social studies gives you an excuse to stick your nose into a broad range of subjects.

suck into
To cause someone to become slowly more and more involved in a business or situation that is often not to that person's liking

I really didn't want to be on the committee, but somehow I got sucked into it.

take into account
To consider or regard; to include (as in an estimate or plan) or pay attention to; to notice

His plan did not take into account the possibility of rain.

tap into
To access a resource or object

When he ran out of money, he decided to tap into his trust fund.

tap into
To establish a connection with something, especially in order to take advantage of something
throw one's hat into the ring
Alternative form of throw one's hat in the ring
tuck into
To eat, especially with gusto

Well-heeled tourists tuck into French cuisine at Cardin's elegant new Maxim's de Pékin.

turn into
To transform into; become

The carriage turned into a pumpkin at midnight.

turn into
To transform into; cause to become

I am the nursery magic Fairy, she said. I take care of all the playthings that the children have loved. When they are old and worn out and the children don't need them any more, then I come and take them away with me and turn them into Real..

turn into a pumpkin
Used to indicate a curfew, or the time by which one must depart

I'm turning into a pumpkin at 4:00, so we need to finish this.

turn into a pumpkin
To go to bed; to go to sleep (especially at, or around midnight.)

Tell her I'm turning into a pumpkin if she stays out too late. She won't be getting a lift from me.

turned into
Simple past tense and past participle of turn into
turning into
Present participle of turn into
turns into
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of turn into
walk into
To fall into (a trap)

You really walked into that one, didn't you?.

walk into
To collide with

Watch where you're going. You nearly walked into that man.

walked into
Simple past tense and past participle of walk into
walking into
Present participle of walk into
walks into
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of walk into
you can't get a quart into a pint pot
Expression said to indicate that what is being discussed is not possible

They've asked me to get to New York by five o'clock, but you can't get a quart into a pint pot!.

dip one's toe into
(Ev ile ilgili) 1. Put one’s toe briefly in (water), typically to check the temperature.2. Begin to do or test (something) cautiously
drop someone into something
Let someone fall into something
pull into
When a vehicle or driver pulls into a place, the vehicle moves into the place and stops there. He pulled into the driveway in front of her garage She pulled the car into a tight parking space on a side street
run into
be beset by; "The project ran into numerous financial difficulties
walk into
{f} reprimand, scold; beat, flog, whip
walk into
If you walk into an unpleasant situation, you become involved in it without expecting to, especially because you have been careless. He's walking into a situation that he absolutely can't control
walk into
If you walk into a job, you manage to get it very easily. When I left school, I could walk into any job