
listen to the pronunciation of international
English - Turkish
uluslar arası

Uluslar arası anlaşmazlıkların barışçıl bir şekilde çözümlenmeli. - International disputes must be settled peacefully.

Bana gelince, uluslar arası klas bir insan olmaya çabalamak yerine, açık fikirli bir dünya insanı olmak istiyorum. - As for me, instead of trying to be a cool, international man, I would like to be an open-minded earth person.

(Ticaret) enternasyonel

Daha yüksek eğitim kalitesi, en yüksek uluslararası standartlara cevap vermelidir. - The quality of higher education must answer to the highest international standards.

Bu, uluslararası olduğu için altı dolar olacak. - It's going to be six dollars because it's international.

{s} milletlerarası

Tom bir stajyer olarak çalışıyor. - Tom works as an intern.

Stajyerler bodrumda çalışırlar ve hiç pencere yoktur. - The interns work in the basement and there are no windows.

international agencies
uluslararası kurumlar
international agreements
(Kanun) uluslararası anlaşmalar
international airport
(Havacılık) uluslararası hava alanı
international banking
(Ticaret) uluslararası bankacılık
international business
(Ticaret) uluslararası işletme
international calls
(Bilgisayar) uluslararası aramalar
international channels
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası kanallar
international communication
uluslararası iletişim
international community
uluslararası toplum
international company
(Ticaret) uluslararası şirket
international cooperation
uluslararası işbirliği
international courts
uluslararası mahkemeler
international date line
(Astronomi) gündeğişme çizgisi
international education
(Eğitim) uluslararası eğitim
international exchange
uluslararası santral
international finance
uluslararası maliye
international justice
uluslararası adalet
international labor office
international law
(Ticaret) devletler umumi hukuku
international line
dış hat
international liquidity
(Politika, Siyaset,Ticaret) uluslararası likidite
international logistics
(Askeri) uluslararası lojistik
international marketing
(Ticaret) uluslararası pazarlama
international markets
uluslararası piyasalar
international mediation
(Kanun) uluslararası arabuluculuk
international migration
uluslararası göç
international monetary fund
international monetary fund
international organisation
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası kuruluş
international organization
uluslararası örgütler
international organization
(Askeri,Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası örgüt
international organizations
uluslararası örgütler
international peace force
(Askeri) uluslararası barış gücü
international personnel
(Askeri) uluslararası personel
international politics
uluslararası politika
international press
uluslararası basın
international recognition
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası tanınma
international relief
uluslararası yardım
international rivers
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası nehirler
international security
uluslararası güvenlik
international straits
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası boğazlar
international terminal
(Havacılık) dışhatlar terminali
international terminal
(Havacılık) dış hatlar terminali
international tourism
(Turizm) uluslararası turizm
international trade
(Ticaret) dış ticaret
international trade center
(Ticaret) uluslararası ticaret merkezi
international trade theory
(Ticaret) uluslararası ticaret teorisi
international treaties
(Kanun) uluslararası sözleşmeler
international unit
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uluslararası birim
international women's day
dünya kadınlar günü
international business
uluslararası ticaret
international exchange
international index number
uluslararası indeks numarası
international labour law
uluslararası iş hukuku
international law
milletlerarası hukuk
international mercantile law
uluslararası ticaret hukuku
international monetary economics
uluslararası para ekonomisi
international money
uluslararası para
international nautical mile
uluslararası deniz mili
international private law
devletler özel hukuku
international sea traffic
milletlerarası deniz trafiği
international sound track
uluslararası ses bandı
international trade
uluslararası ticaret
international transportation
uluslararası taşımacılık
international volt
uluslararası volt
international accounting standards
(İAS) Uluslarası muhasebecilik standartları
international affair
uluslararası ilişki
international affairs
Uluslararası ilişkiler
international arbitration
Uluslararası tahkim
international center for peace in the middle east
barış için uluslararası merkez doğu orta
international civil aeronautics organization
uluslararası sivil havacılık örgütü
international code 00
uluslararası kodu 00
international colour consortium
uluslararası renk konsorsiyum
international community
Uluslararası topluluk
international crime
uluslararası suç
international disaster response law
uluslararası afet müdahale hukuku
international exchange market
uluslararası döviz piyasası
international financial reporting standards
(Finans) (İFRS) Uluslararası finansal raporlama standartları
international flights
uluslararası uçuşlar
international foundation
uluslararası kurum
international geographical mile
coğrafi mil
international legitimacy
uluslararası yasallık
international maritime organisation
Uluslararası Denizcilik Örgütü
international network
uluslararası ağ
international olympic committee
(Spor) Uluslararası olimpiyat Komitesi
international postal replay coupon
uluslararası posta cevap kuponu
international sales contract
Uluslararası satış sözleşmesi
international scene
Uluslararası arena
international standards on auditing
(İSA) Uluslarası denetim standardları
international standart on auditing
uluslararası tetkik standardı
international taxing
(Ekonomi) Uluslararası vergilendirme
international tension
uluslararası gerilim
international women's day
Uluslararası kadınlar günü
international youth bible quiz
uluslararası gençlik İncil bilgi yarışması
international Atomic Energy Agency
(Nükleer Bilimler) UAEA, Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı
international Commission on Radiation
(Nükleer Bilimler) URBÖK Uluslararası Radyasyon Birimleri
international Commission on Radiological
(Nükleer Bilimler) URKK, Uluslararası Radyolojik Koruma Komisyonu
international actual strength
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI HALİHAZIR/GERÇEK KUVVE, FİİLİ KUVVE: Halihazırda uluslararası makamları iştigal etmekte olan sivil ve askeri personelin toplam sayısı
international air space
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası hava sahası
international airport
(Askeri) uluslar arası havaalanı
international alliance
uluslararası işbirliği
international arbitration
uluslararası hakemlik
international arbitration
(Avrupa Birliği) uluslar arası tahkim
international arena
uluslararası arena
international arms control organization
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI SİLAH KONTROL TEŞKİLATI: Silah kontrol önlemlerini denetlemek ve onaylamak üzere uygun olarak tesis edilmiş teşkilat
international assistance
uluslararası desteği
international benchmarking
(Ticaret) uluslararası kıyaslama
international bonds
(Ticaret) uluslararası tahviller
international boundary
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası sınır
international call
uluslararası konuşma
international call
uluslararası arama
international call sign
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI ÇAĞRI ADI, İŞARETİ: Bir telsiz istasyonunu tanıtmak için Milletlerarası Telekomünikasyon Birliğince alınmış karara uygun olarak tahsis edilen bir çağrı işareti. Telsiz istasyonunun milliyeti, ilk harf veya ilk iki harfle tanıtılır. Görerek haberleşmede milletlerarası çağrı işareti olarak mors harfleri kullanılır. Bak. "call sign"
international call sign
(Askeri) uluslararası çağrı adı
international calls are included in the bill
faturanızda uluslararası telefon görüşmeleri dahil edilmiştir
international candle
uluslararası mum
international carrier
(Telekom) uluslararası taşıyıcı
international carter
(Ticaret) uluslararası kartel
international characters
(Bilgisayar) uluslarası karakterler
international chart
(Askeri) uluslararası harita
international code
(Askeri) MİLLETLERARASI İŞARET KODU: Denizde bulunan gemiler arasında muhabere için birçok milletlerce kabul edilmiş kod. Bu kodda, alfabedeki harflere tekabül eden sancaklar kullanılır. Bir kaç sancak bir arada, değişik şekillerde toka edilince, Milletlerarası Mors alfabesindeki kelimeler, küçük veya büyük cümleler halinde ifade edilmiş olur. INTERNATIONAL CIVILIAN PERSONNEL WITH NATO STATUS: NATO STATÜSÜNDE ULUSLARARASI SİVİL PERSONEL: Yetkili NATO-Uluslararası sivil makamlarına tayin edilen veya atanan sivil şahıslar
international code
(Askeri) uluslararası işaret kodu
international convent
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası sözleşme
international cookery
uluslararası mutfak
international corporations
uluslararası şirketler
international counterparts
(Ticaret) uluslararası eşlenikler
international court of justice
(Avrupa Birliği) (ICJ) Uluslar arası Adalet Divanı
international court of justice
uluslararası adalet divanı
international data center
uluslararası veri merkezi
international date line
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI GÜN DEĞİŞTİRME HATTI: Aşağı yukarı Greenwich antimeridyeni ile çakışan, belli meskun bölgelerden geçmesini önlemek üzere tadil edilmiş hat. Bu hat geçilince tarihte 1 günlük değişme olur. Gün değiştirme hattı da denir
international disputes
uluslararası uyuşmazlıklar
international exchange
uluslararasi santral
international expert
yabancı uzman
international force
(Askeri) uluslararası güç
international fund
(Ticaret) uluslararası yatırım fonu
international guide
(Ticaret) uluslararası kılavuz
international hotel guide
(Turizm) uluslararası otel rehberi
international identification code
(Askeri) MİLLETLERARASI TANITMA KODU: Demiryolu terminolojisinde çıkış noktasından nihai varış noktasına kadar bir askeri treni tanıtan kod. Kod; önceliği çıktığı memleketi, hareket tarihini, ulusal tanıtma kod numarasını ve trenin gideceği yeri gösteren bir dizi rakam, harf veya sembollerden oluşur
international information program; interoperability improvement program
(Askeri) uluslar arası bilgi programı; karşılıklı işlerlik geliştirme programı
international initiative
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası girişim
international integration
(Ticaret) uluslararası bütünleşme
international job description
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI İŞ TANIMI: Özel bir uluslararası makamla ilgili özel görevlerin, sorumlulukların ve vasıfların bir tarifi
international job description
(Askeri) uluslararası iş tanımı
international labor market
(Ticaret) uluslararası emek piyasası
international labour
(Ticaret) uluslararası insangücü
international labour organisation
uluslararası çalışma örgütü
international law
uluslararası hukuk
international law
(Askeri) DEVLETLER HUKUKU: Milletlerarası ilişkileri düzenleyen antlaşmalar, anlaşmalar, adet, gelenek, mukavele vesairenin toplamı. Bazı devletler hukuku prensiplerine sistemli bir şekil vermek için, Cenevre ve Lahey Sözleşmeleri gibi teşebbüslere girişilmiştir
international loading gauge
(Askeri) uluslararası yük göstergesi
international logistic support
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI LOJİSTİK DESTEK: Harekata katılmış bir veya daha çok millete, aynı harekata katılmış bir millet tarafından ödemeli veya ödemesiz olarak, askeri lojistik desteğin sağlanması. Bak. "interdepartmental/agency support", "interservice support", "support"
international logistics
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI LOJİSTİK: Milletler, bu milletlere mensup kuvvetler ve makamlar arasında destekleyici lojistik anlaşmalarının müzakere planlama ve uygulaması. Milletlerarası lojistik bir veya daha çok yabancı hükümete, milletlerarası teşkilata veya askeri kuvvete ödemeli veya ödemesiz lojistik destek (komple malzeme, malzeme ve/veya hizmet) sağlamak veya bunlardan lojistik destek almak hususunu içine alır. Ayrıca; Amerika'nın askeri lojistik sistem usullerinden önemli bir unsur, faaliyet veya asli unsurun bir veya daha çok yabancı hükümet, milletlerarası teşkilat veya askeri kuvvete ait sistem ve usullerle daimi veya geçici olarak birleştirilmesi ile ilgili planlama ve çalışmaları da kapsar. Amerikan lojistik prensip, sistem ve usullerinin bir veya daha çok yabancı hükümet milletlerarası teşkilat veya kuvvetin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere kullanılması ile ilgili planlama ve çalışmalar da bu lojistiğin şümulü içine girer
international manpower ceiling
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI İNSANGÜCÜ TAVANI: Her bir uluslararası teşkilat için yetkilendirilmiş askeri ve sivil uluslararası makamların toplam sayısı
international map of the world
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI DÜNYA HARİTASI: Müştereken, uluslararası mutabık kalınmış özelliklerde, 1/1000000 ölçeğinde, bazı ülkeler tarafından neşredilmiş harita serisi
international maritime dangerous goods (UN)
(Askeri) uluslar arası denizcilik tehlikeli malları (Birleşmiş Milletler (UN))
international maritime satellite
(Askeri) uluslar arası denizcilik uydusu
international military education and training
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI ASKERİ EĞİTİM VE ÖĞRENİM: ABD'nin daireleri veya çalışanları sözleşmeli teknisyenler ve müteahhitler tarafından karşılıksız esasa göre yabancı askeri öğrencilere, birliklere ve kuvvetlere sağlanan resmi veya gayriresmi eğitim. Bu eğitim yazışma kurslarını; teknik eğitim ve bilgi verici neşriyatları ve her türlü basın yayını kapsar. Bak. "US Military Service Funded Foreign Training"
international military education and training
(Askeri) uluslar arası askeri eğitim ve öğretim
international military information
(Askeri) uluslar arası askeri bilgi
international military information team
(Askeri) uluslar arası askeri bilgi takımı
international military personnel
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI ASKERİ PERSONEL: Yetkili uluslararası askeri makamlara tayin edilmiş veya atanmış askeri şahıslar
international military post
(Askeri) uluslararası askeri makam
international military post
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI ASKERİ MAKAM: Ücret ve istihkakı esas ülke tarafından ödenen bir askeri şahsın atandığı bir uluslararası makam
international money order
(Ticaret) uluslararası para havaleleri
international money order
(Ticaret) uluslararası posta havalesi
international money order
(Ticaret) uluslararası ödeme emri
international money order
uluslararası havale
international montary fund
uluslararası para fonu
international morse code
(Askeri) uluslararası mors kodu
international morse code
(Askeri) MİLLETLERARASI MORS KODU: Harf ve numaraları hat ve nokta grupları ile ifade eden muhabere sistemi. Milletlerarası Mors Kodu, özellikle telsiz, telgraf ve pırıldak muhaberesinde kullanılır. Buna kısaca (morse code) da denir
international multipuer
(Ticaret) uluslararası çarpan
international narcotics matters
(Askeri) uluslar arası narkotik konuları
international offenses
uluslararası suçlar
international ohm
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) uluslararası ohm
international ownership
uluslararası mülkiyet
international peace force
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI BARIŞ GÜCÜ: Dünya barışını korumak maksadıyla tesis edilmiş münasip kuruluşta bir birlik
international personnel
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI PERSONEL: Yetkili uluslararası makamlara atanmış veya tayin edilmiş askeri veya sivil şahıslar
international post
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI MAKAM/POST: Bir barış kuruluşunda veya acil durum kuruluşunda yetkilendirilmiş, özel uluslararası iş özellikleri taşıyan ve memurunun uluslararası yetkiye karşı sorumlu olduğu bir makam, mevki, iş veya vazife
international post
(Askeri) uluslararası makam
international prefix
(Telekom) uluslararası prefiks
international quality
uluslararası kalite
international red cross committee
(Askeri) MİLLETLERARASI KIZILHAÇ KOMİTESİ: Bütün kızılhaç derneklerinin bağlı bulunduğu tarafsız bir teşkilat. Bu teşkilat; harp esnasında muharip devletler arasında dost bir aracı rolü oynar. Mektuplaşma, haberleşme, gibi işlerin yürütülmesini sağlar. Bu teşkilatın Cenevre'deki merkezi, harp esirleri hakkındaki bilgilerin ve esirlere yapılan yardımların olduğu kadar, harpten zarar gören sivil halk arasındaki zayiata dair yapılan müracaatların da toplandığı yerdir. Milletlerarası Kızılhaç Komitesi; işgal altındaki yerlere gönderilecek yiyecek ve eşyanın idaresine de yardım eder
international regime
(Ticaret) uluslararası rejim
international regulation
(Ticaret) uluslararası düzenleme
international relations
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası ilişkiler
international relief organization
(Askeri) uluslar arası yardım teşkilatı
international reserves
(Ticaret) uluslararası rezervler
international sanctions
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası yaptırımlar
international shopping
(Ticaret) uluslararası alım
international sound track
(Sinema) müzik ve efekt bandı
international sound track
(Sinema) sözsüz ses kuşağı
international sound track
(Sinema) sözsüz ses yolu
international standard
internasyonel standart
international standard
beynelmilel standart
international standard
(Bilgisayar,Ticaret) uluslararası standart
international standardization organizations
(Avrupa Birliği) uluslararası standardizasyon kuruluşları
international station meteorological climatic summary
(Askeri) uluslararası meteoroloji ve gözlem raporu
international statistics
(Ticaret) uluslararası istatistikler
international stock
(Ticaret) uluslararası hisse senedi
international strait
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası boğaz
international style 
(Mimarlık) uluslararası tarz 
international system of units
(Nükleer Bilimler) Uluslararası birimler sistemi
international tax law
(Kanun) uluslararası vergi hukuku
international telegraphic alphabet
(Askeri) uluslar arası telgraf alfabesi
international terrorism
(Askeri) Uluslararası terörizm
international traffic in arms regulation (coassembly)
(Askeri) silahların kontrolünde uluslar arası trafik
international transaction
(Ticaret) uluslararası işlem
international transit
(Ticaret) transit ticaret
international treaty
(Kanun) uluslararası anlaşma
international unification
uluslararası birleşme
international union
(Ticaret) uluslararası sendika
international validity
uluslararası geçerlik
English - English
Foreign; of another country

an international student.

Of or concerning the association called the International
Between or among nations; pertaining to the intercourse of nations; participated in by two or more nations; common to, or affecting, two or more nations
Independent of national boundaries; common to all people

the international community of scholars.

Someone who has represented their country in a particularly sport

The United team includes five England internationals.

Of or having to do with more than one nation
A game or contest between two or more nations
What we call a national when he or she comes to our country
Refers to travel between nations
Calls between countries
Independent of national boundaries; common to all people; as, the atmosphere is an international resource; the international community of scholars
In sport, an international is a game that is played between teams representing two different countries. the midweek international against England
Canada Great Britain Australia & New Zealand
between two or more countries/nations
these teaching materials focus on the domestic market, too However, as managers recognise more and more the importance of international activity of their companies international issues are introduced These international cases are treated separately at the end of the texts Integration is not yet attempted
A member of the International Association
All locations outside of the domestic definition
Between multiple nations
Writing Software for the International Market
Outside of, and excluding the U S
An international is a member of a country's sports team. a former England international. relating to or involving more than one nation national international trade/market/competition. Third International Communist International International Criminal Police Organization Amnesty International International Exhibition of Modern Art Chiquita Brands International Inc. First International International Working Men's Association International Business Machines Corporation international agreement International Atomic Energy Agency International Bank for Economic Cooperation International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Brigades International Court of Justice International Date Line International Herald Tribune International Labour Organization International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union international law International Monetary Fund international organization International Organization for Standardization international payment International Phonetic Alphabet International Refugee Organization International Space Station International Standard Book Number International Style International Telecommunication Union International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. international unit International Criminal Court international relations International Whaling Commission Lions Clubs International Association of Navistar International Corp. Second International Socialist International International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works French Section of the Workers' International Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes International Society for Krishna Consciousness ISKCON International System of Units Système International d'Unités International Red Cross International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund International Conference on Naval Limitation
any of several international socialist organizations
from or between other countries; "external commerce"; "international trade"; "developing nations need outside help"
concerning or belonging to all or at least two or more nations; "international affairs"; "an international agreement"; "international waters"
- between or among nations; having to do with the relations between nations
any of several international socialist organizations concerning or belonging to all or at least two or more nations; "international affairs"; "an international agreement"; "international waters
International means between or involving different countries. an international agreement against exporting arms to that country. emergency aid from the international community. + internationally inter·na·tion·al·ly There are only two internationally recognised certificates in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
These are calls originating in one country and terminating in another From the United States they begin with 011 + Country Code + City Code + Telephone Number If this category is a major portion of your telephone bill, you need to shop wisely Some heavy international callers benefit by installing a second line exclusively for their overseas traffic You can have this serviced by the carrier offering you the best international deal Most often, this will not be the same one who gives you a great domestic calling deal If you make most of your calls to one or two countries, you can get bargain basement rates by ferreting out a plan that will steeply discount these specific countries for you
Calls and related charges to international countries or areas outside the United States and its territories
The International; an abbreviated from of the title of the International Workingmen's Association, the name of an association, formed in London in 1864, which has for object the promotion of the interests of the industrial classes of all nations
Invest only in foreign-company stocks
adj internasional
{s} between countries, involving or belonging to two or more countries, of relations between two more countries
A case that is imported from another country
International Airport, as the shortened form of an airport name
{i} name of a number of international socialist organizations of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; "Internationale", revolutionary socialist hymn
international acre
a customary unit of 4,046.8564224 m²
international airport
An airport that accepts international flights
international airports
plural form of international airport
international auxiliary language
A language intended to be used by people who do not share a common language
international call sign
A call sign assigned in accordance with the provisions of the International Telecommunications Union to identify a radio station. The nationality of the radio station is identified by the first or the first two characters. (When used in visual signaling, international call signs are referred to as “signal letters.”)
international law
The term commonly used for referring to the system of implicit and explicit agreements that bind together nations
international law
Law which addresses the question of which legal jurisdiction cases may be heard in
international law
Law which involves, for instance, the United Nations, maritime law, international criminal law and the Geneva Convention
international law
Law covering situations where the laws of nation states are held inapplicable when conflicting with a supranational legal system
international orange
A reddish-orange colour used to set things apart from their surroundings

Colors such as black lettering on an international orange background are common and are easily visible in most conditions.

international reply coupon
A prepaid international postage voucher
international reply coupons
plural form of international reply coupon
international rules football
A sport created as a mixture of Australian rules football and Gaelic football, to allow international matches between Australia and Ireland
international unit
A particular, minute unit of mass, defined differently for different substances, but so that varying substances of the same general type have the property that one international unit of the one has the same effect on the human body as one international unit of the other
international units
plural form of international unit
international olympic committee
(Spor) The International Olympic Committee is an organization based in Lausanne, Switzerland, created by Pierre de Coubertin and Demetrios Vikelas on June 23 1894. Its membership is 205 National Olympic Committees
international Day of Solidarity with AIDS victims
one day a year when we should take a moment to remember those who have died from this tragic disease and to remind ourselves that we are all at risk!
international Morse code
A form of Morse code having no spaces between the dot and dash elements, commonly used for telegraphic communication outside the United States and Canada. Also called continental code
international Zionism
anti-Semitic name for the Jewish People
international affairs
affairs between nations; "you can't really keep up with world affairs by watching television"
international agreement
Instrument by which nation-states and international organizations regulate matters of concern. They are governed by international law, and their purposes include the development and codification of international law, the creation of international bodies, and the resolution of actual and potential international conflict. The most comprehensive agreement is a treaty; others, including conventions (e.g., the Geneva Conventions), charters (e.g., the UN charter), and pacts (e.g., the Kellogg-Briand Pact), are less formal and rely primarily on goodwill. Agreements may be negotiated between states, between an organization and a state, between organizations, or between any of those and a nongovernmental organization
international atomic energy agency
the United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy
international bank for reconstruction and development
a United Nations agency created to assist developing nations by loans guaranteed by member governments
international call
telephone conversation between groups in different countries or nations
international candle
a former international unit of luminous intensity; now replaced by the candela
international candle
former international unit for measuring the intensity of light, candela (Optics)
international civil aviation organization
the United Nations agency concerned with civil aviation
international convention
international pact; assembly of delegates from different nations
international corporation
business enterprise which spans a number of nations
international court of justice
a court established to settle disputes between members of the United Nations
international currency
unit of money that is accepted as payment in many different countries
international date line
longitude line located at 180 degrees, longitude line that divides time zones so that one side is one one calendar day and the other side is on the next calendar day
international development association
an agency of the United Nations affiliated with the World Bank
international dialing
act of calling from one country to another via a telephone
international edition
edition that is available in more than one country
international finance corporation
A subsidiary of the World Bank which provides development financing to private enterprises
international finance corporation
A corporation owned by the World Bank that produces a number of well-known stock indexes for emerging markets Its major role is to provide financing for projects in less developed countries
international finance corporation
a United Nations agency that invest directly in companies and guarantees loans to private investors; affiliated with the World Bank
international finance corporation
A corporation owned by the World Bank that produces a number of well known stock indexes for emerging markets
international finance corporation
The private lending arm of the World Bank
international finance corporation
The IFC was established in 1956 as a member of the World Bank Group The IFC promotes capital flow into private investment in developing countries
international finance corporation
Part of World Bank Group and established in 1956 IFC lends directly to the private sector, providing long-term loans, equity investments and guarantees
international financing
financing that comes from overseas, financing from a foreign country organization or person
international flight
a flight that takes off in one country and lands in another
international flight regulations
laws and standards that must by followed by aircraft from all countries
international forum
assembly which represents many different countries
international grandmaster
a chess player who has been awarded the highest title by an international chess organization
international intelligence agency
an intelligence agency outside the United States
international islamic front for jihad against jews and crusaders
a terrorist group organized by Osama bin Laden in 1998 that provided an umbrella organization for al-Qaeda and other militant groups in Egypt and Algeria and Pakistan and Bangladesh
international labor organization
the United Nations agency concerned with the interests of labor
international law
the body of laws governing relations between nations
international law
body of rules and principles that govern the relations among nations
international law
A set of rules generally regarded and accepted as binding in relations between states and nations. Also called law of nations. Body of legal rules, norms, and standards that apply between sovereign states and other entities that are legally recognized as international actors. The term was coined by the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham. Important elements of international law include sovereignty, recognition (which allows a country to honour the claims of another), consent (which allows for modifications in international agreements to fit the customs of a country), freedom of the high seas, self-defense (which ensures that measures may be taken against illegal acts committed against a sovereign country), freedom of commerce, and protection of nationals abroad. International courts, such as the International Court of Justice, resolve disputes on these and other matters, including war crimes. See also asylum; immunity
international law enforcement agency
an international administrative unit responsible for law enforcement
international maritime organization
the United Nations agency concerned with international maritime activities
international monetary fund
a United Nations agency to promote trade by increasing the exchange stability of the major currencies
international monetary fund
An organization founded in 1944 to oversee exchange arrangements of member countries and to lend foreign currency reserves to members with short-term balance of payment problems
international monetary fund
An international organization set up to lower trade barriers between countries and to stabilize currency exchange rates
international monetary fund
Established in 1944, purpose is to facilitate the working of the world monetary system It provides foreign currency to member countries as balance of payments support on loan terms
international monetary fund
An international organization created to prevent another collapse in the world monetary system through the stabilization of national currencies throughout the world
international monetary fund
A specialized agency of the United Nations headquartered in Washington Using funds contributed by its members, it will purchase a currency on the application of a member to help the member discharge its international indebtedness and stabilize its currency exchange rates Home Page
international monetary fund
Also known as The Fund, the IMF was created as a central pillar of the post-WWII global economy Its purpose is to coordinate the international monetary system It provides emergency loans to countries that find themselves unable to meet current international payments, in exchange for the imposition of Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) More recently, the IMF has provided funds to guard against speculative attacks on national currencies
international monetary fund
A financial institution created to promote international monetary harmony, monitor exchange rate and monetary policies of member states, and provide credit for member states that experience temporary balance of payments deficits
international monetary fund
an international agency, established after World War II, designed to help countries with balance of payments problems and to ensure the smooth functioning of the international monetary system (chapter 19)
international monetary fund
The international organization created by the Bretton Woods agreement whose objective is to promote the growth of world trade by making loans to countries experiencing balance-of-payments difficulties 348
international monetary fund
A multilateral financial institution established in 1945 to help member countries with international payments problems and to maintain orderly exchange rate policies U S agricultural exports benefit indirectly from activities of the IMF that maintain the global trade in commodities and food
international monetary fund
Established along with the World Bank in 1945, the IMF is a specialized agency affiliated with the United Nations and is responsible for stabilizing international exchange loans to its members (including industrialized and developing countries) when they experience balance of payments difficulties These loans frequently carry conditions that require substantial internal economic adjustments by the recipients, most of which are developing countries
international monetary fund
The IMF was established in 1946 to act as the banker of last resort for countries experiencing foreign exchange deficiencies and to monitor currency exchange relationships among nations
international monetary fund
Established along with the World Bank (q v ) in 1945, the IMF is a specialized agency affiliated with the United Nations and is responsible for stabilizing international exchange rates and payments The main business of the IMF is the provision of loans to its members (including industrialized and developing countries) when they experience balance of payments difficulties These loans frequently carry conditions that require substantial internal economic adjustments by the recipients, most of which are developing countries
international monetary fund
Established with the World Bank (q v ) in 1945, a specialized agency affiliated with the United Nations and responsible for stabilizing international exchange rates and payments Its main function is to provide loans to its members (including industrialized and developing countries) when they experience balance of payments difficulties These loans frequently have conditions that require substantial internal economic adjustments by the recipients, most of which are developing countries
international monetary fund
(IMF): A public international organization created by the Bretton Woods agreement as the main instrument of international monetary management The IMF helps countries with payments deficits by advancing credits to them Originally, its approval was made necessary for any change in exchange rates It advises countries on policies affecting the monetary system The IMF is provided with a fund composed of member countries' contributions in gold and in their own currencies The system of weighted voting allows the United States to exert a preponderant influence in this body
international monetary fund
an organisation set up in 1945, affiliated to the United Nations which aims to promote trade, monetary co-operation and the stabilisation of exchange rates
international monetary fund
The IMF is an international organization of 183 member countries, established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment
international monetary fund
The world's primary organization devoted to maintaining monetary stability by helping countries fund balance-of-payment deficits Established in 1947, it now has 170 members
international monetary fund
An international organization of 183 member countries, established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment The IMF has often provided short-term loans and financial crisis management to developing countries in recent years
international monetary fund
An independent international organization created in 1945 as a result of the Bretton Woods conference The IMF has as its chief purpose the maintenance of international monetary stability
international monetary fund
An autonomous international financial institution that originated at the Bretton Woods Conference of 1994 It's main purpose is to regulate the international monetary exchange system, control fluctuations in exchange rates, in a bid to supposedly alleviate sever balance of payment problems It does this by using a "one size fits all" kind of process, in the mind set that the economic situation: ie: poverty has to get really worse, before it can get better The four components of a typical stabilisation program are
international monetary fund
An organization that makes loans and provides other services intended to stabilize world currencies and promote orderly and balanced trade Member nations may obtain foreign currency when needed, making it possible to make adjustments in their balance of payments without currency depreciation Abbreviated as IMF BACK TO TOP
international monetary fund
The IMP was formed in 1945, following the ratification of the Articles of Agreement of the Fund at Brettonwoods in 1944 It became a specialized United Nations agency in 1947 Its is suppose to encourage international monetary cooperation, facilitated the expansion and balanced growth of international trade, assist member countries in correcting balance of payments deficits and promote foreign exchange stability
international monetary fund
The IMF was established in 1944 to oversee the international financial system, including the orderly exchange of national currencies; being a lender of last resort to member countries that can't borrow from other sources and need to prevent defaulting on loans from other sources; and providing technical assistance and training Most of its money comes from member deposits It has faced the most criticism from the conditionalities it imposes on loans to countries with what's called balance of payments problems, when a country does not take in enough foreign currency to pay for what it buys from other countries, including paying off previous loans Conditionalities usually include tight monetary policies (raising interest rates and lowering inflation), less government spending and more privatization It is widely regarded as focusing on the overt political goal of promoting the worldwide liberalization of capital
international monetary fund
Conceived at Bretton Woods, founded in 1947 and based in Washington, D C , this pillar of the global economic order has a stated mission: maintaining an orderly process of multilateral lending and helping members resolve temporary “balance of payments” shortfalls, but the agency imposes strict loan conditions known as structural adjustment programs that transform national economies IMF resources come from 182 member countries, whose vote share depends not on population size but on how much money they contribute The United States commands a 17 percent share With major IMF decisions requiring an 85 percent approval, Washington exercises exclusive veto power The IMF almost never votes, however, as the United States forges “consensus” before meetings IN DEPTH
international network
network that covers many different countries
international news
news reports on events in various countries
international organization
Institution drawing membership from at least three states, having activities in several states, and whose members are held together by a formal agreement. Only a few existed before 1850; several thousand were active in the early 21st century. Some are intergovernmental (e.g., the United Nations), and some are nongovernmental (e.g., Amnesty International). Some have multiple worldwide or regional purposes (e.g., the European Union), and some have single purposes (e.g., the World Intellectual Property Organization). One effect of their proliferation is a stronger sense of interdependence among states, which in turn has stimulated recognition of the need for cooperation to address international and global problems
international organization
organization of or for people in various nations
international outcry
protest made by people in many different countries
international pact
treaty between two or more nations
international payment
Payment made between countries, whether in settlement of a trade debt, as a unilateral transfer of funds, for capital investment, or for some other purpose. The reasons for such payments and the methods of making them and accounting for them are matters of concern to economists and national governments. International debts are settled either from accumulated balances of foreign currency or claims on foreign currency, or by loans from creditor to debtor, or by drawing on the International Monetary Fund, or by movements of gold. How a country balances its international accounts is one of the most important decisions for its balance of payments
international peace conference
peace conference involving different countries
international pitch
A sound wave frequency of 440 cycles per second, assigned to the A above middle C. Also called concert pitch
international relations
The political relationships between different countries are referred to as international relations. peaceful and friendly international relations. the political relationships between countries, or the study of this. Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political parties). It is related to a number of other academic disciplines, including political science, geography, history, economics, law, sociology, psychology, and philosophy. The field emerged at the beginning of the 20th century largely in the West and particularly in the U.S. as that country grew in power and influence. The study of international relations has always been heavily influenced by normative considerations, such as the goal of reducing armed conflict and increasing international cooperation. At the beginning of the 21st century, research focused on issues such as terrorism, religious and ethnic conflict, the emergence of substate and nonstate entities, the spread of weapons of mass destruction and efforts to counter nuclear proliferation, and the development of international institutions
international relations
branch of the social sciences which deals with the research of the ties between nations
international relations
An area of political study concerned with the interaction of independent states
international relations and security network
Switzerland's information network for security and defense studies and for peace and conflict research and for international relations
international standard
{i} series of standards produced by the ISO
international star
person who is famous in more than one country
international terminal exchange
telephone exchange which directs calls to and from other countries
international terrorism
terrorism practiced by a in a foreign country by terrorists who ae not native to that country
international trade
- the exchange of goods and services between or among nations
international trade
The law relating to the exchange of goods and services between nations Legal issues can relate to tariffs and government restrictions on export and import, as well as the contracts between the trading partners
international trade
Trade between nations in goods and services The essential difference between internal trade and international or foreign trade is that the latter involves the use of different currencies and is subject to additional regulations such as tariffs, quotas and exchange controls (Pearce, 1996) (See also Trade)
international trade
The buying and selling of products, such as foods, manufactured goods, or natural resources, among different countries of the world
international trade
the exchange (buying and selling) of goods and services between different countries
international trade
The process of linking buyer and seller across oceans in different countries with different languages, legal systems, business customs, currency bases, and a complex web necessary to transact, fulfill, and delivery products or services that may involve tariffs, measurement systems, tax customs and duties, shipping insurance, container freight, labor strikes, wars and civil unrest, lengthy delays during the transaction process, and other workflow confusions See the white papers on this site, including the newest "Money Left on the Table"
international trade
The exchanges of goods and services for money between producers and consumers of one country with those in another country
international trade
the exchange of goods and services between people or firms in different nations (chapters 2 and 20)
international trade company
company involved in buying and selling in different countries
international trade theory
theory about business dealings between different countries
international transaction
business deal between parties from two different countries
international unit
Any of several precision standards used in measuring physical quantities, such as mass, length, and time (see International System of Units), and also lighting systems, radiation processes, and pharmacology. The luminous intensity or candlepower of a light is expressed in candelas. The second is based on the frequency of radiation emitted by cesium-133 atoms. In radioactive decay, the international unit is the number of disintegrations per second in a sample. In pharmacology, the international unit is the quantity of a substance (vitamin, hormone, or toxin) that produces a specified effect when tested according to an internationally accepted procedure
international wanted notice
an Interpol notice describing a wanted person and asking that he or she be arrested with a view to extradition; a wanted notice that is issued by Interpol at the request of an Interpol member country and distributed to all member countries; "an InterpolRed Notice is the closest instrument to an international arrest warrant in use today
international waters
body of water not controlled by any nation
A student who works in order to gain experience in their chosen field
A med student or recently graduated medical student working in a hospital as a final part of medical training
To imprison somebody, usually without trial

The government interned thousands of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

To work as an intern

I'll be interning at Universal Studios this summer.

Archaic form of internal
To internalize
one-day international
a one-day match played between teams representing the Test nations; a similar match in a tournament such as the World Cup
an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman' is a British term)
A physician in training in the first year after graduating from medical school Also see resident
To put for safe keeping in the interior of a place or country; to confine to one locality; as, to intern troops which have fled for refuge to a neutral country
{f} be an intern, work as an intern (especially in the medical profession); limit movement; confine, restrict, detain
If someone is interned, they are put in prison or in a prison camp for political reasons. He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War
A term for a physician in first-year training after medical school The first year of a residency is typically called an internship
A physician in the first year of training
deprive of freedom; "During WWII, Japanese were interned in camps in the West
a recently graduated medical student working in a hospital as a final part of their medical training
an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman' is a British term) work as an intern; "The toung doctor is interning at the Medical Center this year"
A physician who has finished medical school and is usually in the first year of specialty training Interns work under the supervision of attending physicians and residents
An intern is an advanced student or a recent graduate, especially in medicine, who is being given practical training under supervision. to put someone in prison without charging them with a crime, for political reasons or during a war internee, internment internment (interner, from internus; INTERNAL)
a student who works (often without pay) in order to gain experience in their chosen field
Any individual (GS-05 through GS-09) in a position whose target is the full performance level in one of the professional, administrative, or technical series
{i} advanced medical student working as an apprentice in a hospital; one who is involved in a specialized training program which gives hands-on experience
deprive of freedom; "During WWII, Japanese were interned in camps in the West"
v t 1 (a string in a package) to look up the string in the package, returning either a symbol with that name which was already accessible in the package or a newly created internal symbol of the package with that name 2 Idiom generally, to observe a protocol whereby objects which are equivalent or have equivalent names under some predicate defined by the protocol are mapped to a single canonical object
A term used for the first year training following medical school The first year of a residency is typically called an internship
work as an intern; "The toung doctor is interning at the Medical Center this year"
a Life Skills Coach who is participating in the accreditation process
the person who assists The LeaderShape® Institute and faculty in managing the week's logistical needs
a new teacher who receives support from a mentor teacher as part of a professional development process See Mentor Teacher
{i} quality of being international, international character
quality of being international in scope; "he applauded the internationality of scientific terminology
throughout the world; "She is internationally known
In an international manner; from an international point of view
from an international standpoint, in an international manner
In an international manner
in many different parts of the world international
throughout the world; "She is internationally known"
plural of international
Turkish - English

Definition of international in Turkish English dictionary




    Turkish pronunciation



    local, national


    /ˌəntərˈnasʜənəl/ /ˌɪntɜrˈnæʃənəl/


    () inter- (among, between, amid) + national (having to do with a nation). Reportedly coined in modern English by Jeremy Bentham


    ... failed to live up to their international obligations, particularly with regards to their illicit ...
    ... international in a way that it had never been before. ...