
listen to the pronunciation of internal
English - Turkish
{s} dahili

Harici düşmanları yenmek yetmez, dahili düşmanları da imha etmek lazımdır. - It is not enough to defeat our external enemies, it is also necessary to exterminate our internal enemies.

Tom bilgisayarda bulunan dahili hard diskteki tüm dosyaları harici bir hard diske kopyaladı. - Tom copied all the files on his internal hard disk to an external hard disk.

Tom'un iç kanaması var. - Tom is bleeding internally.

Bir kurbağayı, iç organlarını incelemek için kesip parçalara ayırdık. - We dissected a frog to examine its internal organs.


Bu çocuk duygularını içselleştirir ve bunları ifade etmez. - This child internalizes his emotions and does not express them.

{s} içten

İçten yanmalı motorlar, yakıt ve hava karışımını yakarlar. - Internal combustion engines burn a mixture of fuel and air.

internal evidence bir şeyin kendisinde bulunan delil
içe değgin
içilebilir ilaç
(Biyokimya) içil
içsel (akıl sağlığı vb)
(Tıp) ınternal
içilir içten
(Nükleer Bilimler) dahili, içteki
{i} doğa
{s} içilir
{i} yaradılış
internal combustion engine iç yakımlı makina
{s} içilir (ilaç)
{s} stajyer

Tom bir stajyer olarak çalışıyor. - Tom works as an intern.

Tom bir stajyer doktor. - Tom is a medical intern.

internal migration
içeriye göç
internal call
dahili arama
internal clock
Biyolojik saat, fizyolojik saat, insanın kendini belli bir saate ayarlaması ya da şartlanması
internal affairs
internal affairs
(Politika, Siyaset) iç politika
internal audit
(Ticaret) iç denetleme
internal bleeding
(Tıp) iç kanama
internal conflict
iç çatışma
internal control
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) içsel kontrol
internal disorder
(Askeri) iç karışıklık
internal drive
(Bilgisayar) iç sürücü
internal driver
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) iç sürücü
internal ear
(Biyoloji) dolambaç
internal environment
iç ortam
internal filter
(Denizbilim) iç filtre
internal force
iç kuvvet
internal forces
iç kuvvetler
internal inspection
iç tetkik
internal memo
(Askeri) muhtıra
internal memory
(Askeri) iç muhtıra
internal migration
internal modem
(Bilgisayar) iç modem
internal moment
iç moment
internal organs
internal quality
(Ticaret) iç kalite
internal rotation
iç rotasyon
internal stress
iç gerilim
internal surface
(Havacılık) iç yüzey
internal unity
internal version
(Bilgisayar) iç sürüm
internal wall
internal wall
iç duvar
internal action
iç etki
internal affairs

O, Japonya'nın içişleri hakkında iyi bir bilgiye sahip. - He has a good knowledge of the internal affairs of Japan.

Hiçbir ülkenin başka bir ülkenin içişlerine müdahale etmemesi gerekir. - No country should interfere in another country's internal affairs.

internal angle
iç açı
internal brake
iç eğleç
internal brake
iç fren
internal capacitance
iç kapasite
internal capacity
iç kapasite
internal circuit
iç devre
internal combustion
içten yanmalı
internal combustion engine
içten yanmalı motor
internal command
iç komut
internal conversion
iç dönüşüm
internal data representation
iç veri gösterimi
internal data transfer
içsel veri transferi
internal debt
iç borç
internal defect
iç kusur
internal diameter
iç çap
internal division
iç bölme
internal ear
iç kulak
internal energy
iç enerji
internal erosion
dahili erozyon
internal fertilization
iç döllenme
internal fissure
iç yarık
internal friction
iç sürtünme
internal gear
iç dişli
internal impedance
iç empedans
internal indicator
iç gösterge
internal input impedance
iç giriş empedansı
internal input resistance
iç giriş direnci
internal interrupt
iç kesinti
internal library
iç kitaplık
internal memory
iç bellek
internal migration
iç göç
internal mould
iç kalıp
internal operation
iç işlem
internal output impedance
iç çıkış empedansı
internal output resistance
iç çıkış direnci
internal phoneme
internal point
iç nokta
internal pressure
iç basınç
internal resistance
iç direnç
internal revenue
devlet geliri
internal rotation
internal rotasyon
internal shoe brake
içten pabuçlu fren
internal storage
iç bellek
internal store
iç bellek
internal stress
iç gerilme
internal structure
iç bünye
internal structure
iç yapı
internal temperature
iç sıcaklık
internal timer
iç zamanlayıcı
internal trade
iç ticaret
internal voltage
iç gerilim
internal affair
iç mesele
internal angle
iç yöndeş açı
internal audit
İç tetkik
internal auditing
iç denetim
internal auditor
İç denetçi: Büyük firmaların kendi şirketlerinin, iştiraklerinin, şubelerinin yönetim kurullarının belirlediği kurallara uyulup uyulmadığını,yolsuzluk olup olmadığını, yapılan işlemlerin vergi yasalarına uygun olmadığını denetleyen kişi
internal auditor
İç denetçi
internal combustion engine
(Otomotiv) İçten Yanmalı Motor
internal combustion engine
iç yakımlı motor
internal communication
iç iletişim
internal demands
iç istemler
internal document
iç belge
internal grinding
(Mühendislik) iç silindirik taşlama
internal input impedance
iç giriş empedansi
internal inspection
iç denetim
internal memory
(Bilgisayar) Dahili bellek
internal order
iç tertip
internal order
iç sırası
internal order
iç düzen

homogeneous solid possessing lonng-range ,three dimensional internal order.

internal organ
İç organ
internal output impedance
iç çıkış empedansi
internal party struggle
parti içi mücadele
internal regulations
(Kanun) İç tüzük
internal speaker
dahili hoparlör
internal state
iç durumu
internal storage media
dahili depolama
internal study
iç çalışma
internal transfer account
aktarma hesabı, virman hesabı
internal validity
içsel geçerlilik
internal adequacy
(Dilbilim) iç yeterlilik
internal balance
(Ticaret) iç ekonomik denge
internal balance
(Havacılık) iç balans
internal bitmap
(Bilgisayar) iç biteşlem
internal capacity
(Fizik) iç sığa
internal capsule
(Tıp) internal kapsül
internal capsule
(Anatomi) iç kapsül
internal change
(Dilbilim) iç değişim
internal check
(Ticaret) iç denetim
internal check
(Ticaret) dahili kontrol
internal combustion
iç yakımlı motor
internal combustion engine
(Askeri) İÇTEN YANMALI MOTOR, İÇ PATLARLI MOTOR (ULŞ.): Benzin motoru (gasoline engine) ve dizel motoru (diesel motor) gibi kapalı bir silindir veya hücre içinde ateşlenen yakıtın genişleyici kuvvetinden güç istihsal etmek suretiyle çalışan motor
internal control
(Askeri) İÇ KONTROL: Müstakil bir teşkilde eldeki kıymetleri korumak, muhasebe kayıtlarının doğruluk ve güven derecesini kontrol etmek, faaliyetlerle verimi arttırmak ve menajman prensiplerine bağlılığı teşvik etmek maksadıyla kabul edilmiş teşkilat planı ve bütün koordinasyon usul ve tedbirleri
internal conversion electron
(Nükleer Bilimler) iç dönüşüm elektronu
internal cost
iç maliyet
internal counter
iç sayaç
internal data
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) iç veri
internal defense
(Askeri) DAHİLİ SAVUNMA: Bir hükümet tarafından kendi toplumunu yıkıcı faaliyetler, kanunsuzluk ve isyanlara karşı korumak ve kurtarmak için alınan tüm önlemler. Bak. "foreign internal defense"
internal defense and development
(Askeri) dahili savunma ve açılma
internal details
(Bilgisayar) iç ayrıntılar
internal development
(Askeri) DAHİLİ GELİŞME: Bir ülke tarafından, toplumun ihtiyaçlarına cevap veren hayati kuruluşların (siyasi, askeri, ekonomik ve sosyal) tesis edilmesiyle alınan önlemler
internal diode
(Otomotiv) iç diyot
internal division
(Matematik) içten bölme
internal dose
dahili doz
internal driver
ic surucu
internal dynamic
iç dinamik
internal economies
içsel yararlanmalar
internal engine
iç yakımlı motor
internal exchange
iç kambiyo
internal exposure
dahili doz
internal factor
(Biyoloji) iç etmen
internal finance
(Ticaret) iç finansman
internal finance
(Ticaret) oto finansman
internal inflection
dilb. içbükün
internal intranet
(Bilgisayar) dahili intranet
internal linkage
(Otomotiv) iç bağlantı
internal loan
(Dilbilim) iç ödünçleme
internal logic
iç mantık
internal mail
(Ticaret) dahili posta
internal margin
(Bilgisayar) iç kenar boşluğu
internal market
(Avrupa Birliği) iç pazar
internal medicine
internal network
iç şebeke
internal piping
içten borulanma
internal point
(Matematik) içil nokta
internal port
(Bilgisayar) iç bağlantı noktası
internal prices
(Teknik,Ticaret) iç fiyatlar
internal rating
(Ticaret) dahili derecelendirme
internal reflection
içsel yansıma
internal revenue
milli gelir
internal revenue office
internal review
(Askeri) İÇ DENETLEME: Mali idarenin usule ait veçheleriyle ilgili iç kontrollerin müessiriyetine güven sağlayan bir çalışma
internal rhyme
iç kafiye
internal rhyme
iç uyak
internal savings
(Ticaret) içsel tasarruflar
internal scour
iç oyulma
internal scour
içten oyulma
internal security
(Askeri) İÇ GÜVENLİK: ABD kaynakları, endüstrisi ve müesseseleri aleyhindeki hareketlerin önlenmesi, barışta ve savaşta, memleket içinde meydana gelecek olağanüstü bir durumda, askeri savunma dışındaki bütün tedbirleri kullanarak can ve mal emniyetinin sağlanması
internal shaft
(Madencilik) içkuyu
internal shaft
(Madencilik) dahili kuyu
internal sinks
(Bilgisayar) iç havuz
internal space
iç boşluk
internal specialist
internal standart
iç(sel) standart
internal storage
(Askeri) İÇ BİRİKTİRME CİHAZI (HV. ): Komputerin ayrılmaz fiziksel bir parçasını teşkil eden ve direkt olarak kompüter tarafından kontrol edilen biriktirme vasıtaları (manyetik çekirdek, direkt kontrol altındaki manyetik bant gibi). Bu terim, (internal memory) ile eş anlamlıdır. Bak. "external storage"
internal strain
iç deformasyon
internal support
(Askeri) Birlik içi destek
internal support function
İç Destek İşlevi
internal t handle
(Askeri) dahili t kolu
internal tax
iç vergi
internal thread
iç diş
internal thread
iç vida dişi
internal trade
(Coğrafya) içtecim
internal view
{i} staj yapan tıp öğrencisi, intern
{i} staj yapan kimse
{f} staj yapmak
gözaltina almak
(Tıp) intörn
(Eğitim) stajyeri
(Ticaret) şirketimizde
(Ticaret) bize gelince
stajyer doktor

Tom bir stajyer doktor. - Tom is a medical intern.

enterne etmek
stajını yapan tıp öğrencisi
English - English
inside of something

We saw the internal compartments.

concerned with the domestic affairs of a nation, state or other political community

The nation suffered from internal conflicts.

concerned with the non-public affairs of a company or other organisation

An internal investigation was conducted.

within the body

Her bleeding was internal.

Lying toward the mesial plane; mesial
adjective, Latin internus = inward, hence, nearer the inside
code or data internal to a process or program
data needs more attention
Derived from, or dependent on, the thing itself; inherent; as, the internal evidence of the divine origin of the Scriptures
{s} interior, inner, inside, located within; of a country's domestic affairs; of an individual's inner life, private, mental
Internal is used to describe things that exist or happen inside a particular person, object, or place. massive internal bleeding Some of the internal walls of my house are made of plasterboard. + internally in·ter·nal·ly Evening primrose oil is used on the skin as well as taken internally. internal medicine Internal Revenue Service internal combustion engine total internal reflection
Internal is used to describe things that exist or happen inside a country or organization. The country stepped up internal security We now have a Europe without internal borders + internally in·ter·nal·ly The state is not a unified and internally coherent entity
occurring within an institution or community; "intragroup squabbling within the corporation"
happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface; "internal organs"; "internal mechanism of a toy"; "internal party maneuvering"
Units of study for which the student is enrolled are undertaken through attendance at the institution on a regular basis
In Chinese: Nei Referring to intrinsic power generated by the Chi or life force energy contained in the body In the internal Martial Arts (Neijia), the use of Internal Strength is of utmost importance
Part of a network file server
A disconnection from some or all of the personality functions in the prefrontal cortex within an individual, usually because of distress (Dr Jim Wilder) In my opinion this is a better term to describe the apparent "separation" between the various Primary Parts
AFFAIRS: having to do with operations within a nation; domestic affairs
{i} inner quality, intrinsic characteristic
Inside the body system or organ
innermost or essential; "the inner logic of Cubism"; "the internal contradictions of the theory"; "the intimate structure of matter"
the location of illnesses such as those that affect qi, blood, and organs inside the body
A link to a node in the same database See database
located inward; "Beethoven's manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle"- Leonard Bernstein; "she thinks she has no soul, no interior life, but the truth is that she has no access to it"- David Denby; "an internal sense of rightousness"- A R Gurney,Jr
Intrinsic; inherent; real
occurring within an institution or community; "intragroup squabbling within the corporation
concerned with the domestic affairs of a nation
Internal modems fit inside your computer There are specific types of internal modems for each brand of computer Internal modems are cheaper than external They take up no desk space See external, WinModem
In Chinese: Nei Referring to intrinsic power generated by the Qi or life force energy contained in the body In the internal Martial Arts (Neijia), the use of Internal Strength is of utmost importance Internal Strength is not generated through muscular action, but rather is a product of the inherent binding quality of body tissue It is utilized in combat through the relaxed coordination of the legs and waist to bear on objects through contact made by the hands, arms, or other points on the upper body
inside the country; "the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior"; "the nation's internal politics"
Pertaining to the inner being or the heart; spiritual
Inward; interior; being within any limit or surface; inclosed; opposed to external; as, the internal parts of a body, or of the earth
Pertaining to its own affairs or interests; especially, (said of a country) domestic, as opposed to foreign; as, internal trade; internal troubles or war
internal affairs
A division of a law enforcement agency investigating incidents and plausible suspicions of lawbreaking and professional misconduct attributed to officers on the force
internal combustion
the process where fuel is burned within an engine such as a diesel engine, producing power directly as opposed to externally such as in a steam engine
internal combustion engine
A piston or a rotary heat engine directly powered by the products of intermittent combustion of a fuel
internal combustion engine
A heat engine in which intermittent or the continuous burning of a fuel takes place inside a combustion chamber; the resulting pressurized gas acts directly on the engine to do useful work, such as a piston engine, gas turbine, jet engine or rocket
internal conflict
A conflict that is internal to a character
internal diameter
The diameter of the inside of a tube, pipe or other object. Often abbreviated "ID"
internal energy
a property, characteristic of the state of a thermodynamic system, the change of which is equal to the heat absorbed minus the work done by the system
internal exile
banishment to a remote part of one's own country as a punishment or sanction
internal link
A hyperlink that links to another page on the same Web site
internal medicine
The medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis, management and nonsurgical treatment of unusual or serious diseases
internal organ
An organ, such as the heart or colon, that is entirely within the confines of the body
internal organs
plural form of internal organ
internal rhyme
The rhyming of two words within the same line of verse
internal rhymes
plural form of internal rhyme
internal-combustion engine
Alternative form of internal combustion engine
internal Validity
That the "cause" precedes the "effect" in time (temporal precedence)
internal Validity
internal Validity
that there are no plausible alternative explanations for the observed covariation (nonspuriousness)
internal Validity
that the "cause" and the "effect" are related (covariation), and
internal audit
Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.[1] Internal auditing is a catalyst for improving an organization’s effectiveness and efficiency by providing insight and recommendations based on analyses and assessments of data and business processes. With commitment to integrity and accountability, internal auditing provides value to governing bodies and senior management as an objective source of independent advice. Professionals called internal auditors are employed by organizations to perform the internal auditing activity
internal auditing
Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.[1] Internal auditing is a catalyst for improving an organization’s effectiveness and efficiency by providing insight and recommendations based on analyses and assessments of data and business processes. With commitment to integrity and accountability, internal auditing provides value to governing bodies and senior management as an objective source of independent advice. Professionals called internal auditors are employed by organizations to perform the internal auditing activity
internal auditor
An auditor who is an employee of the company whose records are audited and who provides information to the management and board of directors
internal migration
human migration within one geopolitical entity, usually a nation
internal rate of return
(Ekonomi) The internal rate of return (IRR) is a rate of return used in capital budgeting to measure and compare the profitability of investments. It is also called the discounted cash flow rate of return (DCFROR) or simply the rate of return (ROR). In the context of savings and loans the IRR is also called the effective interest rate. The term internal refers to the fact that its calculation does not incorporate environmental factors (e.g., the interest rate or inflation)
internal affair
event or activity which occurs within a body (or country, organization, etc.)
internal affairs
events or activities which occur within a body (or country, organization, etc.)
internal argument
{i} (Morphology) argument of a verb that must be realized inside the utmost projection of that verb
internal audit
A periodic process, carried out by laboratory staff, to check that the laboratory’s quality assurance system is effective, documented and adhered to by all staff
internal audit
{i} internal inspection; inspection of one's accounts or other business transactions by one's own accountant
internal audit
An audit by a company's own personnel to determine the effectiveness of accounting procedures An internal auditor verifies the reliability of accounting records, determines the safeguarding of company assets, and determines that management's policies are being carried out
internal audit
An independent appraisal activity within an enterprise whether by the staff of the enterprise or by firm of accountants appointed for that purpose, for the review of accounting, financial and other operations and controls as a basis for service to management It involves a specialised application of the techniques of auditing
internal audit
A periodic count of all cash at a teller's station to ensure that deposits and withdrawals balance with the amount that should be at that station
internal auditor
An employee of a company who analyzes the company's accounting records to that the company is following and complying with all regulations
internal auditor
An accountant who reviews the accounting procedures, records, and reports in both the controller's and treasurer's areas of responsibility
internal cache
high-speed memory located on the CPU which is used to accelerate the CPU's performance (Computers)
internal combustion
method used to produce power by exploding fuel and air within an engine
internal combustion engine
engine which is powered by an explosion of fuel and air from within the engine
internal combustion engine
An internal combustion engine is an engine that creates its energy by burning fuel inside itself. Most cars have internal combustion engines. an engine that produces power by burning petrol, used in most cars
internal combustion engine (ice)
(Otomotiv) An engine that works on power released by vapourized fuel and air burning inside the engine itself, rather than on an outside source of combustion as, for example, a steam engine does
internal command
operating system command that is loaded into memory at the time of startup (Computers)
internal commerce
merchandising and trade within a country
internal communication
channel for transmitting information in a delineated area, intercom
internal control
A process designed to provide reasonable assurance that the objectives of reliable financial reporting, effective and efficient operations, and compliance with laws and regulations are achieved Includes the control environment, the identification and analysis of risks, control activities, information and communication within and outside the organization, and monitoring of the process over time
internal control
an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency orassure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error etc
internal control
Process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding achievement of various management objectives such as the reliability of financial reports
internal control
A process, effected by an entity’s management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in effectiveness and efficiency of operations reliability of financial reporting and compliance with applicable laws and regulations
internal control
The procedures used within a company to protect its assets
internal crisis
crisis which occurs within (a group, person, etc.)
internal debt
total debt that government authorities owe to local factors (Economics)
internal diseases
illnesses that are internal in origin, diseases which originate from within the body
internal drive
a drive mounted inside of a computer
internal financing
business operating funds supplied from the business' capital
internal friction
heat caused by the rubbing together of internal elements
internal information
insider information, exclusive corporate information on a public company
internal line
telephone line which cannot be used to make calls outside of a defined area
internal maxillary artery
the maxillary artery that supplies deep structure of the face and some of the meninges
internal medicine
the specialty of the general medicine of the internal organs top
internal medicine
The specialty of Medicine which includes prevention, diagnosis, and care of adults with general illness, disease and injury
internal medicine
This major field deals with the diagnosis and treatment of malfunctioning organs and systems within the body
internal medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases affecting the internal organs of the body, especially in adults. a type of medical work in which doctors treat illnesses that do not need operations. Medical specialty dealing with the entire patient rather than a particular organ system, covering diagnosis and medical (rather than surgical) treatment in adults. Its development began in the 17th century with Thomas Sydenham's concept of disease, but until disease-specific therapies were developed in the 20th century, internists could do little to treat diseases. As more specific treatments became available, medical knowledge increased, and subspecialties in specific organ systems were defined, internal medicine became recognized as a specialty
internal medicine
the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and (nonsurgical) treatment of diseases of the internal organs (especially in adults)
internal medicine
branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of internal or non-surgical disorders
internal medicine
General medical care of the adult age group; usually includes cardiology and geriatrics
internal medicine
Internist The diagnosis and treatment of general medical diseases and conditions not usually treated by surgery
internal memory
memory used by the central processing memory (CPU) of a computer
internal organ
a main organ that is situated inside the body
internal politics
parliamentary matters; domestic affairs, affairs within a country
internal poll
internal survey which is taken within an institution
internal rate of return
index used to estimate is an investment is worthwhile according to its relation to expected interest during the life of the investment
internal rate of return
(Ticaret) A discounted cash flow method used to specify the return rate for an investment, in which the present value of cash inflows are balanced against the present value of outflows
internal respiration
The metabolic process by which living cells absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide
internal revenue
government revenue from domestic sources (excluding customs)
internal revenue service
The government agency charged with the collection of taxes The income tax code and regulations often affect the requirement of a defined contribution plan
internal revenue service
The federal agency which administers the tax laws of the United States
internal revenue service
The federal agency with responsibility for regulating foundations and their activities On-line at www irs gov
internal revenue service
The federal agency responsible for the collection federal taxes, including personal and corporate income taxes, social security taxes, and excise and gift taxes
internal revenue service
Your financial partner - more interested in your gains than in your losses Seriously, the taxing authority of the United States
internal revenue service
the agency of the federal government that's responsible for collecting federal income and other taxes and enforcing the rules of the department of the treasury
internal revenue service
The federal agency responsible for collecting income taxes Student aid applications are often verified by their family's IRS forms
internal revenue service
The federal agency with responsibility for regulating foundations and their activities
internal revenue service
The agency of the U S Treasury Department that enforces the tax laws made by Congress
internal revenue service
The federal agency responsible for the collection of federal taxes, including personal and corporate income taxes, Social Security taxes, and excise and gift taxes
internal revenue service
The division of the U S Treasury Department responsible for collecting taxes
internal revenue service
A part of the United States Department of the Treasury that is responsible for enforcing the provisions of laws and regulations concerning income taxes in the United States
internal revenue service
The taxing authority for the Federal Government of the United States
internal revenue service
This branch of the U S Treasury Department is responsible for administering the requirements of qualified pension plans and other retirement vehicles The IRS also worked with the DOL and the PWBC to develop Form 5500, and is now responsible for monitoring the data submitted annually on Form 5500 reports
internal revenue service
The U S Treasury Department agency responsible for collecting taxes, administering business, and individual tax programs
internal rhyme
Also called middle rhyme, a rhyme occurring within the line The rhyme may be with words within the line but not at the line end, or with a word at the line end and a word within the line, as in Shelley's "The Cloud," I bring fresh showers, for the thirsting flowers (See also Leonine Verse)
internal rhyme
Rhyme that occurs within a line of verse, as in "the grains beyond age, the dark veins of her mother" (Dylan Thomas)
internal rhyme
- rhyme in which at least one of the rhymed words is buried within the line
internal rhyme
a rhyme between words in the same line
internal rhyme
rhyme that occurs within a single line of Verse An example is in the opening line of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven": "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary " Here, "dreary" and "weary" make an internal rhyme
internal secretion
A secretion that is produced by an endocrine gland and discharged directly into the bloodstream; a hormone
internal secretion
secretion of hormones into the blood flow
internal value
buying power of money, measure of the amount of goods a given amount of money can purchase
internal ward
division of a hospital dealing with internal disorders
internal-combustion engine
a heat engine in which combustion occurs inside the engine rather than in a separate furnace; heat expands a gas that either moves a piston or turns a gas turbine
A student who works in order to gain experience in their chosen field
A med student or recently graduated medical student working in a hospital as a final part of medical training
To imprison somebody, usually without trial

The government interned thousands of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

To work as an intern

I'll be interning at Universal Studios this summer.

Archaic form of internal
To internalize
With regard to internal affairs
In an internal manner; interiorly; within or inside of external limits; in an inner part or situation
{a} inward, real, not foreign
Adopting as one's own the standards and values of another person or society
an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman' is a British term)
A physician in training in the first year after graduating from medical school Also see resident
To put for safe keeping in the interior of a place or country; to confine to one locality; as, to intern troops which have fled for refuge to a neutral country
{f} be an intern, work as an intern (especially in the medical profession); limit movement; confine, restrict, detain
If someone is interned, they are put in prison or in a prison camp for political reasons. He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War
A term for a physician in first-year training after medical school The first year of a residency is typically called an internship
A physician in the first year of training
deprive of freedom; "During WWII, Japanese were interned in camps in the West
a recently graduated medical student working in a hospital as a final part of their medical training
an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman' is a British term) work as an intern; "The toung doctor is interning at the Medical Center this year"
A physician who has finished medical school and is usually in the first year of specialty training Interns work under the supervision of attending physicians and residents
An intern is an advanced student or a recent graduate, especially in medicine, who is being given practical training under supervision. to put someone in prison without charging them with a crime, for political reasons or during a war internee, internment internment (interner, from internus; INTERNAL)
a student who works (often without pay) in order to gain experience in their chosen field
Any individual (GS-05 through GS-09) in a position whose target is the full performance level in one of the professional, administrative, or technical series
{i} advanced medical student working as an apprentice in a hospital; one who is involved in a specialized training program which gives hands-on experience
deprive of freedom; "During WWII, Japanese were interned in camps in the West"
v t 1 (a string in a package) to look up the string in the package, returning either a symbol with that name which was already accessible in the package or a newly created internal symbol of the package with that name 2 Idiom generally, to observe a protocol whereby objects which are equivalent or have equivalent names under some predicate defined by the protocol are mapped to a single canonical object
A term used for the first year training following medical school The first year of a residency is typically called an internship
work as an intern; "The toung doctor is interning at the Medical Center this year"
a Life Skills Coach who is participating in the accreditation process
the person who assists The LeaderShape® Institute and faculty in managing the week's logistical needs
a new teacher who receives support from a mentor teacher as part of a professional development process See Mentor Teacher
The state of being internal or within; interiority
{i} being inside, being internal, being interior
process by which children accept societal standards of conduct as their own; fundamental to socialization process by which children accept societal standards of conduct as their own; fundamental to socialization
Process by which a molecule enters into a cell (here through a receptor) and delivers a signal
Occurs when an individual accepts influence because it is intrinsically rewarding
A cognitive process in which the person is able to remember an action or experience (internalize it) and repeat it at a later time, in a new situation
Conformity to a social norm prompted by true acceptance of the beliefs, values, and attitudes that underlie the norm
Conformity to a social norm prompted by true acceptance of the beliefs, values, and attitudes that underlie the norm (9)
Involves restructuring the software used by an e-business so that it can process foreign languages, currencies, data formats and other variations involved in conducting business globally
the process of internalizing something
that is incorporated within yourself
{i} act or process of making internal (also internalisation)
A theory that the key ingredient for maintaining a firm-specific competitive advantage in international competition is the possession of proprietary information and control of human capital that can generate new information through expertise in research, management, marketing, or technology
learning of values or attitudes etc
learning (of values or attitudes etc ) that is incorporated within yourself
the process of absorbing knowledge from a given social environmental context
The process of including in financial balance sheets the cost factors which were previously not calculated (such as the value of a degraded environment) or whose brunt was borne by other elements of society (such as the health costs associated with pollution) Advocates of internalization argue that these costs should realistically be assigned to industrial enterprises, because they are an inherent outcome of the production process Once such costs as environmental degradation or health effects are internalized, the relative cost-benefit ratios of investment decisions change, creating a much stronger incentive for sustainable development and waste reduction (Source: Mintzer, 1992)
Inwardly; spiritually
Inwardly; within the enveloping surface, or the boundary of a thing; within the body; beneath the surface
Hence: Mentally; spiritually
on or from the inside; "an internally controlled environment
in the interior, on the inside, from the inside; mentally
on or from the inside; "an internally controlled environment"