interest expenses

listen to the pronunciation of interest expenses
English - Turkish
(Ticaret) faiz giderleri
interest expense
(Ticaret) faiz gideri
interest expense
Borç faizi
English - English

Definition of interest expenses in English English dictionary

interest expense
the company's interest expense for the latest twelve months, available as of the announcement date as found in the latest statutory/regulatory filings (in the US, 10K, latest 10Q)
interest expense
The amount of interest paid on outstanding debt
interest expense
Is the interest paid on money borrowed to earn investment income
interest expense
any interest paid on short- and long-term business loans
interest expense
In a corporate setting, interest expense is the money the company or corporation pays out in interest on loans
interest expense
interest paid on loans
interest expense
Interest expense is the money the corporation or individual pays out in interest on loans
interest expense
- the period cost of debt to the firm as reflected on the income statement for the given period
interest expense
Interest is paid on debts, and interest expense is deducted from profits as expenses Interest expense is either long-term or short-term interest
interest expenses


    in·ter·est expenses

    Turkish pronunciation

    întrıst îkspensız


    /ˈəntrəst əkˈspensəz/ /ˈɪntrəst ɪkˈspɛnsəz/