
listen to the pronunciation of inspection
English - Turkish
{i} muayene

Umarım arabam muayeneyi geçer. - I hope my car passes inspection.

Gümrük muayenesi için bagajını açmak zorundasın. - You have to unpack your luggage for customs inspection.

{i} denetleme
{i} teftiş
(Arılık) kovan kontrolü
(Mekanik,Teknik) gözle kontrol

Tüm ziyaretçiler denetimine tabidir. - All visitors are subject to inspection.

Denetim oldukça baştan savmaydı. - The inspection was quite perfunctory.

(Mukavele) muayene, denetim, inceleme
(Tıp) Çıplak gözle yapılan muayene, teftiş
(Askeri) TEFTİŞ, DENETLEME: Silahların kontrolunda; silahların kontrol tedbirlerine uygunluğunu fiili tespit işlemi
(Diş Hekimliği) gözle muayene
{i} kontrol

Kore, Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Ajansı tarafından kontrol edilmiştir. - Korea received an inspection from the International Atomic Energy Agency.

kontrol etme

Tüm ziyaretçiler denetimine tabidir. - All visitors are subject to inspection.

Denetim oldukça baştan savmaydı. - The inspection was quite perfunctory.

teftiş etmek
inspection assistant
denetim yardımcısı
inspection body
(İnşaat) denetim kurumu
inspection chamber
kontrol odası
inspection clause
(Sigorta) teftiş hükmü
inspection company
(Ticaret) gözetim şirketi
inspection contract
(Ticaret) denetim sözleşmesi
inspection cover
muayene kapağı
inspection cover
kontrol kapağı
inspection cowls
muayene başlıkları
inspection door
kontrol kapağı
inspection drawing
kontrol resmi
inspection drum
muayene tamburu
inspection expense
arama giderleri
inspection eye
inspection eye
kontrol deliği
inspection glass
kontrol camı
inspection hatch
bakım kapağı
inspection ladder
kontrol merdiveni
inspection lamp
kontrol lambası
inspection lamp
muayene lambası
inspection lid
muayene kapağı
inspection mandate
denetleme emri
inspection manhole
kontrol bacası
inspection manhole
inspection manual
denetim rehberi
inspection mechanism
denetim mekanizması
inspection officer
(Askeri) denetleme subayı
inspection pane
kontrol camı
inspection pat
bakım yolu
inspection pipe
gözleme borusu
inspection pit
yoklama bacası
inspection pit
yoklama çukuru
inspection pit
(Otomotiv) yağ kanalı
inspection schedule
muayene planı
inspection sheet
kontrol listesi
inspection shutter
bakma camı klepe kapağı
inspection site
(Askeri) denetim mevkii
inspection site
denetim yeri
inspection team
denetim ekibi
inspection trip
(Turizm) denetleme gezisi
inspection unit
(Ticaret) muayene birimi
inspection wells
muayene kuyuları
inspection window
yoklama penceresi
inspection gallery
yoklama galerisi
inspection hole
muayene deliği
inspection hole
kontrol deliği
inspection machine
kontrol makinesi
inspection plug
kontrol tapası
inspection report
kontrol raporu
inspection report
muayene raporu
inspection shaft
kontrol şaftı
inspection well
yoklama bacası
inspection copy
muayene kopya
inspection plate
denetleme levhası
inspection shaft
yoklama bacası
inspection arms
(Askeri) SİLAHIN MUAYENE DURUMU: Tüfek, otomatik tüfek, karabina, tabanca vesairenin muayene durumu. Bu vaziyette silah, muayeneye hazır ve fişek yatağı açık vaziyette tutulur
inspection diagram
(Nükleer Bilimler) denetleme diagramı
inspection gallery
kontrol galerisi
inspection hole
yoklama deliği
inspection hole
kontrol veya muayene deliği
inspection interchange agreement
(Askeri) MUAYENE MÜBADELE ANLAŞMASI: İki veya daha çok tedarik makamı arasındaki bir anlaşma. Bu anlaşmaya göre; tek bir muayene makamı, bir müteahhit atölyesinde gerekli tedarik muayene hizmetlerini yapar
inspection level
(Nükleer Bilimler) denetim seviyesi
inspection lot
(Nükleer Bilimler) denetim partisi
inspection machine
(Tekstil) kumaş kontrol makinesi
inspection plug
kontrol lapası
inspection plug
kontrol veya muayene tapası
inspection port
(Havacılık) muayene deliği
inspection report
(Askeri) Teftiş raporu
inspection report
(Askeri) TEFTİŞ RAPORU, DENETLEME RAPORU: Genel müfettişin tespit ettiği bir örneğe göre, genel bir teftiş hakkında hazırlanan rapor. Bu rapor, müfettişin kanaatlarını ve bunları destekleyen ilişik dökümanları ihtiva eder
inspection specification
(Nükleer Bilimler) denetim şartnamesi
inspection station
(Nükleer Bilimler) denetim yeri
inspection tour
(Ticaret) teftiş gezisi
inspection well
muayene kuyusu
in process inspection
(Askeri) onarım sırasında muayene
internal inspection
iç tetkik
internal inspection
iç denetim
in process inspection
(Askeri) ONARIM SIRASINDA MUAYENE: İşin usulüne uygun şekilde yapıldığından emin olmak ve çalışmanın daha iyi hale getirilebileceği sahaları tanımak maksadıyla, fiili bakım sırasında, bakım atölyesinde yapılan bir muayene. Bak. "technical inspection"
initial inspection
ön denetim
inspector general inspection
(Askeri) tetkik kurulu denetlemesi
inspector general inspection
(Askeri) genel müfettiş denetlemesi
inspector general inspection
(Askeri) GENEL MÜFETTİŞ DENETLEMESİ (TETKİK KURULU DENETLEMESİ): Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığına mensup bir komutanlık, müessese veya kuruluş merkezinin bir görevi, disiplin hali, yeterlik derecesi ve iktisadi tutumundaki verimi ile ilgili olarak, bir genel müfettiş tarafından yapılan inceleme. Bak. "annual general inspection", "limited special inspection", "procurement inspection", "technical proficiency inspection" ve "unlimited special inspection"
inspector general inspection report
(Askeri) GENEL MÜFETTİŞ DENETLEME RAPORU (TETKİK KURULU DENETLEME RAPORU): Bir komutanlığın görevi, disiplin durumu yeterlik derecesi, iktisadi tutumundaki verimi hakkında komutana bilgi vermek ve teklifte bulunmak üzere, genel müfettiş tarafından, standart bir form halinde hazırlanan bir rapor
inventory and inspection record

O, bu şehrin sanayisini incelemek için yakında buraya gelecek. - He will come here soon to inspect the industry of this town.

Boğazımı incelemek için bir el feneri kullanırım. - I use a flashlight to inspect my throat.

aircraft inspection
(Askeri,Havacılık) uçak muayenesi
building inspection
yapı denetimi
conduct an inspection
denetim yapmak
conduct an inspection
denetim uygulamak
conversion inspection
dönüşüm denetimi
flight inspection
(Havacılık) uçuş kontrol
general inspection
(Askeri) genel denetleme
(Kanun) murakabe etmek
nezaret etmek
gözden geçirmek

Gümrük muayenesi için bagajını açmak zorundasın. - You have to unpack your luggage for customs inspection.

Umarım arabam muayeneyi geçer. - I hope my car passes inspection.

reduction inspection
azaltma incelemesi
security inspection
güvenlik incelemesi
suspect site inspection
şüpheli mahal denetimi
undergo an inspection
teftişten geçmek
vehicle inspection
(Otomotiv) araç muayenesi
vehicle inspection
(Otomotiv) araç muayene
visual inspection
(Tıp) görsel inceleme
visual inspection
(Askeri) gözle denetim
visual inspection
(Askeri,Teknik) gözle muayene
call for inspection
inceleme için çağır
certificate of inspection
ekspertiz raporu
clutch inspection hole
debriyaj kontrol deliği
committee of inspection
inceleme kurulu
customs inspection
gümrük kontrolü
customs inspection
gümrük muayenesi
teftiş et
passport inspection
pasaport kontrolü
free inspection copy
ücretsiz muayene kopya
labour inspection board
İş Teftiş Kurulu
medical inspection room
tıbbi muayene odası
TEMPEST inspection
TEMPEST denetimi
acceptance inspection
(Askeri) kabul için yapılan kontrol
acceptance inspection
kabul yoklaması
administrative inspection
(Askeri) İDARİ DENETLEME: Bir birliğe ait idari kayıt ve işlemlerin, belirli zamanlarda denetlenip incelenmesi
after flight inspection
(Askeri) UÇUŞ SONRASI MUAYENE; DÖNÜŞ MUAYENESİ: Uçuş sonunda mürettebat tarafından rapor edilen arızaların giderilmesi, olağan aksaklıkların saptanması, yakılan veya harcanan maddelerin bütünlenmesi ve uçağın emniyete alınması için yapılan muayene. Uçuş sonu muayenesi olarak bilinir. Bu terimin Amerikan silahlı kuvvetlerindeki karşılığı "Post flight inspection"dır
aircraft inspection
(Askeri) UÇAK MUAYENESİ: Uçakta varolan ve muhtemel arızaları çıkarmak için uçağın yapısal unsurlarının parçalarının ve sistemlerinin sistematik olarak muayenesi, kontrolü ve denenmesi işlemi
annual general inspection
(Askeri) YILLIK GENEL DENETLEME: Yılda bir yapılan ve Kara Kuvvetlerine mensup belirli bir komutanlık, müessese veya faaliyet merkezinin bütün safhalarını içine alan bir denetleme. Ayrıca bakınız: "inspector general inspection"
army postal inspection service
(Askeri) ORDU POSTA MÜFETTİŞLİĞİ: ABD ordusunda; sahra postanelerinin durumunu, çalışmasını, haklarındaki şikayet ve düzensizlikleri incelemek ve denetlemek üzere kurulmuş, sahra posta hizmetine bağlı bir teşkilat
baseline inspection
asgari tetkik denetimi
basic inspection
temel kontrol
bearing inspection
rulman kontrolü
bearing inspection
rulman muayenesi
bearing inspection
rulman denetlemesi
boiler inspection
kazan kontrolü
brake inspection
(Otomotiv) fren kontrolü
calendar inspection
(Askeri) takvim bakım
call for inspection
inceleme için çağırmak
certification inspection
vesikalandırma denetimi
challenge inspection
(Askeri) kuşku denetimi
challenge inspection
(Askeri) şüphe üzerine denetim
clearance inspection
(Otomotiv) boşluk kontrolü
cloth inspection
(Tekstil) kumaş kontrolü
command inspection
(Askeri) komutan denetlemesi
command inspection
(Askeri) KOMUTAN DENETLEMESİ: Bir komutan tarafından yapılan teçhizat ve personel denetlemesi
command maintenance management inspection
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK BAKIM MANAJMANI DENETLEMESİ: Birlik ve merkezlerin bakım işlerindeki verimini ve müessiriyet derecesini tespit için yapılan bir denetleme. Bu denetleme; bakım faaliyet ve usullerinin bir değerlendirme ve birlik veya faaliyet merkezleri elindeki bütün malzeme yüzde oranının yoklanmasından ibarettir
committee of inspection
(Ticaret) teftiş kurulu
contact inspection
(Nükleer Bilimler) temas tekniği ile muayene
contractor inspection system
(Askeri) MÜTEAHHİT MUAYENE SİSTEMİ: Şartnameye uygun olarak yerine getirilmekle beraber sadece müteahhit tarafından kabule şayan telakki edilen malzemeyi göstermek maksadıyla yapılan ve sonuç kayıtlarını da içine alan muayeneden ibarettir. Böyle bir muayene sistemi, beğenilenin alınması demek olan tasnif (sorting) işlemine herhalde engel teşkil etmez
contractor inspection system
(Askeri) müteahhit muayene sistemi
counterintelligence inspection
(Askeri) KARŞI İSTİHBARAT DENETLEMESİ: Konulmuş bulunan güvenlik prensiplerine ve usullerine riayet derecesini tespit için yapılan bir denetleme
curtailed inspection
(Havacılık) kısaltılmış muayene
daily inspection
günlük muayene
declared site inspection
(Askeri) beyan edilmiş mevki denetimi
degree of inspection
(Nükleer Bilimler) muayene derecesi
destination inspection
(Askeri) GÖNDERİLEN YERDE MUAYENE: Sevkiyatın satınalma şartlarına uygun olup olmadığını kontrol için, malzemeyi alan tarafından, malzemenin satın alındığı noktada yapılan muayene
destination inspection
(Askeri) gönderilen yerde muayene
elimination inspection
eleme denetimi
final inspection
(Askeri) SON MUAYENE: Bak. "technical inspection", teftiş
food inspection
(Gıda) besin kontrolü
general inspection
(Askeri) GENEL DENETLEME: Bütün komutanlıklarda ve diğer ordu faaliyetleri üzerinde, senede bir defa, Teftiş Dairesi Başkanı veya tayin edeceği subaylar tarafından yapılan denetleme
go through inspection
kontrolden geçmek
{f} muayene etmek
{f} yoklamak
incele,teftiş et

Haftada bir kez anne oğlunun odasını denetler. - Once a week, the mother inspects her son's room.

Bir servis elemanı bizim fırını denetledi. - A serviceman inspected our furnace.

{f} kontrol etmek
(Biyoloji) muayene et
(Nükleer Bilimler) denetleme
joint administrative instruction; joint airdrop inspection
(Askeri) müşterek idari yönerge; müşterek havadan indirme denetlemesi
joint inspection
(Askeri) müşterek denetleme
lack of inspection
denetim eksikliği
lack of inspection
limited special inspection
(Askeri) SINIRLI ÖZEL DENETLEME: Yıllık genel denetlemeden ayrı ve belirli soruşturma konularına inhisar eden bir denetleme. Bak. "inspector general inspection"
lloyd's inspection
lloyds kontrolü
magnaflux inspection
(Askeri) MIKNATISİYET USULÜ İLE MUAYENE: Mıknatıslandırıldıktan sonra üzerlerine gayet ince mıknatıs tozu yayarak, satıhlar üzerindeki çatlak çizik ve diğer kusurları tespit için kullanılan usul
magnetic inspection flow indication
(Nükleer Bilimler) magnetik test hata
magnetic particle inspection
(Nükleer Bilimler) magnetik parçacık muayenesi
maintenance inspection board
(Askeri) BAKIM VE KONTROL FORMU: Hava kuvvetleri tarafından kullanılan uçakların muayeneleri ile onarımlarına ait bütün bilgileri kayda yarayan form
market inspection
(Avrupa Birliği) piyasa denetimi
materiel inspection and receiving report
(Askeri) MAL MUAYENE VE KABUL RAPORU: İkmal maddelerinin; ABD Anayurdundaki satıcılardan üç kuvvete ait tesislere gönderilmesinde kullanılan gönderme belgesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "shipping document"
medical inspection
(Ticaret) işyeri sağlık teftişi
medical inspection
tıbbi tetkik
military command inspection program
(Askeri) askeri komuta teftiş ve denetleme programı
monthly inspection
aylık denetim
monthly inspection
aylık kontrol
nondestructive inspection
(İnşaat) yıkıcı olmayan denetleme
normal inspection
(Nükleer Bilimler) normal denetim
nuclear security inspection
officer in charge; Marine inspection
(Askeri) görevli subay; Deniz Piyade Teşkilatı denetlemesi
operational readiness inspection
original inspection
(Nükleer Bilimler) orijinal denetim
period of inspection
denetimler arası fasıla
periodic inspection
(Askeri) DEVRE BAKIMI (ORD); DÖNEMLİ KONTROL; DÖNEMLİ BAKIM: Takvim süresi veya çalışma saati gibi muntazam aralıklarla tekrarlanan muayene ve denetlemeler. Bak. "periodic report"
periodic maintenance inspection
(Askeri) (AIRCRAFT) DÖNEMLİ BAKIM; PERİYODİK BAKIM (HAVA ARACI): Bak. "periodic inspection"
physical inspection
(Askeri) VÜCUT MUAYENESİ, TEMİZLİK MUAYENESİ: Had veya müzmin sari bir hastalığın mevcudiyetini, haşarat sarmasını veya fiziki durumda büyük ölçüde bir çöküntüyü tespit maksadıyla, direk müşahade veya, lüzum görülürse, kısmi bir muayene şeklinde yapılan beden kontrolü
post flight inspection
(Askeri) UÇUŞ SONRASI MUAYENESİ: Dönüş muayenesi. Uçuştan sonra göze görünen kusurların tespiti, uçak mürettebatı tarafından bildirilen kusurların düzeltilmesi, sarf edilen maddelerin tamamlanması ve uçağın emniyete alınması için yapılan genel muayene. Bak. " after flight inspection"
preflight inspection
(Askeri) UÇUŞ ÖNCESİ MUAYENE VEYA KONTROL, ÇIKIŞ MUAYENESİ: Bak. "before-flight inspection"
preventive inspection
(Nükleer Bilimler) önleyici denetim
procurement inspection
(Askeri) TEDARİK DENETLEMESİ: Tedarik işlerinin ve satınalma ile sözleşme işlemlerinin bütün önemli yönlerini içine alan tedarikle ilgili faaliyetlerin yerine getiriliş şeklini kontrol maksadıyla yapılan bir denetleme. Bak. "inspector general inspection"
procurement inspection
(Askeri) tedarik denetlemesi
Turkish - Turkish
Kontrol etmek
English - English
organization that checks that certain laws or rules are obeyed

The inspection fined the restaurant's owner because the kitchen was dirty.

the act of examining something, often closely

Upon closer inspection, the animal turned out to be a dolphin, not a shark.

The act or process of inspecting or looking at carefully; a strict or prying examination; close or careful scrutiny; investigation
the act by a regulatory authority(ies) of conducting an official review of documents, facilities, records, and any other resources that are deemed by the authority(ies) to be related to the clinical trial and that may be located at the site of the trial, at the sponsor's and/or contract research organisation's (CRO's) facilities, or at other establishments deemed appropriate by the regulatory authority(ies)
In some cases, we will require an inspection of the property   A member of the FAIR Plan Staff, or an independent Evaluator will perform the inspection   Inspections are done to assure that the coverage limit, and policy type are appropriate for the property   Failure to cooperate with our effort to inspect your property will result in the rejection of your application, or cancellation or non-renewal of coverage   We also do inspections to verify that repairs have been made (Condition Charges), and as a part of our Depopulation Program   Inspections are done at no cost to the Insured, or Applicant  
An evaluation of work completed during construction or of materials used in construction
a formal or official examination; "the platoon stood ready for review"; "we had to wait for the inspection before we could use the elevator
A visual survey of the appearance of an alarm instal-lation intended to discover any obvious problems Typically these might be alarm system wires that have been covered up during building construction or remodeling, loose doors or windows that may cause false alarms during storms, sprinkler risers and controls that may be blocked by merchandise making fire department ac-cess difficult or impossible during emergencies, etc An inspection may include actual tests of alarm system sensors, controls, or transmitters
A method of validation based on individual examination of the item under consideration Inspections are useful for finding difficult problems in code Contrast with review
Appearance of a product falls into one of two categories: PRIMA = first rate or highest quality selection and SEKUNDA = second rate or the next level Every employee who partakes in the production of glass inspects each piece that passes through his or her hands Not only is each piece sorted by every employee who handles it but it also passes through an inspection station where all products are examined Those that are of the highest quality or PRIMA are signed on the bottom Glass is a "living" material The hands-on work methods we employ ensure that each glass is individual or unique We firmly believe that this uniqueness is evidence of the art of our trade
A group review quality improvement process for written material It consists of two aspects; product (document itself) improvement and process improvement (of both document production and inspection) After [Graham]
(1) The act of inspecting (2) An official examination or review of the work completed or in progress to determine its compliance with contract requirements
a formal or official examination; "the platoon stood ready for review"; "we had to wait for the inspection before we could use the elevator"
Two definitions currently in use are: A static analysis technique that relies on visual examination of development products to detect defects, violations of development standards, and other problems An inspection is a formal review of a work product by the work product owner and a team of peers looking for errors, omissions, inconsistencies, and areas of confusion in the work product
Examination or review, which compares objects by use of an acceptable standard to rate quality and to guarantee consistency
A physical examination of a person, document or other thing, such as a home
On-site visit to premises for the verification of compliance with standards
{i} act of looking over carefully and critically; official examination, review
An systematic examination of a worksite or equipment which, in the process, is compared against an established standard
Measuring, examining, testing and gauging one or more characteristics of a product or service and comparing the results with specified requirements to determine whether conformity is achieved for each characteristic
The act of overseeing; official examination or superintendence
an official examination or review
15, Activities such as measuring, examining, testing, gauging one or more characteristics of a product or service and comparing these with specified requirements to determine conformity
a group review quality improvement process for written material It consists of two aspects; product (document) improvent and process improvement (of both document production and inspection) An inspection is led by a trained leader or moderator (not the author), and includes defined roles, metrics, rules, checklist, entry and exit criteria
A formal assessment where a work product is examined in detail by someone other than the developer to detect faults, violations of development standards, and other problems
Examination of a property to see that it meets the standards of the contract, the lender, and the buyer
An external audit undertaken by a local authority registration and inspection unit or the SSI into the provision of one or more services The right of central government to inspect services for which it provides funds was established in the nineteenth century Local authorities were given responsibilities for inspecting private residential care homes by the Registered Homes Act 1984
Applications that use bar codes or other forms of AIDC to identify and validate items It is primarily used for the receiving or shipping functions of inventory control
An examination of a property by the buyer, agent, title insurance company, or other interested party
The examination of the house for structural and other defects by an expert selected by the buyer
Independent checking on facts about an applicant, policyholder, or claimant, usually by a commercial inspection agency (G)
An examination of the property or building to determine condition or quality for a particular purpose such as an assessment of structural or termite damage
inspection pit
A narrow pit or trench over which a vehicle can be parked and conveniently worked on from beneath
inspection certificate
Some purchasers and countries may require a certificate of inspection attesting to the specifications of the goods shipped, usually performed by a third party Inspection certificates are often obtained from independent testing organizations
inspection certificate
All Hengstler products are subjected to strict quality inspection, the results of which can be attested by an inspection certificate according to DIN 55 350-18-4 1 1 Interpolation Scanning of a sinewave signal to increase resolution by generating intermediate position values
inspection certificate
In the inspection certificate, experts, who are independent of the production in the manufacturing or processing plant, confirm with numerical results from tests of the delivery itself or of the test units stated in standards, of which the delivery is one part that the delivered product corresponds to the agreements for the order There is a distinction between: Inspection certificate A According to official regulations, issued by an official or officially accepted expert Inspection certificate B According to terms of delivery of the customer or, in case provided, according to official regulations, issued by an expert appointed by the plant (factory expert) The required tests have to be executed by a test authority, which is independent of the production of the manufacturing or processing plant and disposes of the required equipment Inspection certificate C According to the terms of delivery of the customer, issued by an expert authorized by the customer
inspection certificate
A document certifying that merchandise (such as perishable goods) was in good condition immediately prior to shipment
inspection certificate
This document protects the importer against fraud, error, or quality checks It is most often conducted be an independent firm, but sometimes accomplished be the shipper An affidavit that certifies the inspection often required under the terms of the L/C
inspection committee
group of people set up to formally examine something
inspection of arms
weapons inspection done in lineup in order to verify that the weapons are clean and empty of ammunition
inspection order
instruction from a court of law which allows protected documents to be read and examined
incoming inspection
(Ticaret) The activity that conducts quality, quantity and product verification measurements on newly-received material from a vendor or other internal manufacturing site. It samples receipts based on product and vendor parameters and categorizes them as usable for production or as a reject to be reworked or returned to the vendor
internal inspection
inspection which takes place under the impetus of an inner factor; inspection of a business' financial records by its own accountant
fire inspection
A examination of a location's risk of having a fire and its supply of equipment to both fight it and to evacuate the occupants
home inspection
An official inspection of a dwelling by a home inspector prior to its sale
obvious by inspection
That it is evident in the mind's eye, without proof being demanded for it

It is obvious by inspection that the set \{[0,1), [1, 2), [2, 3),...\} is a partition of [0, \infty).

{n} overfight, view, survery, care
annual inspection
yearly inspection, examination made every year
daily inspection
inspection which takes place every day
first article inspection
(Ticaret) The analysis of the first item manufactured in a production run to verify correct setup and process alignment
When an official inspects a place or a group of people, they visit it and check it carefully, for example in order to find out whether regulations are being obeyed. The Public Utilities Commission inspects us once a year + inspection in·spec·tion Officers making a routine inspection of the vessel found fifty kilograms of the drug
To examine readily accessible systems and components of a building in accordance with these Standards of Practice, using normal operating controls and opening readily openable access panels
{f} check, look over carefully and critically; officially examine, review
To examine the book during various stages of production or after completion to top
to examine critically or carefully; especially, to search out problems or determine condition; to scrutinize
look over carefully; "Please inspect your father's will carefully
This feature displays call-related information about an incoming call
To look upon; to view closely and critically, esp
to oversee; to superintend
in order to ascertain quality or condition, to detect errors, etc
come to see in an official or professional capacity; "The governor visited the prison"; "The grant administrator visited the laboratory"
look over carefully; "Please inspect your father's will carefully"
To view and examine officially, as troops, arms, goods offered, work done for the public, etc
of accounts and tax returns; with the intent to verify
If you inspect something, you look at every part of it carefully in order to find out about it or check that it is all right. Elaine went outside to inspect the playing field = examine + inspection inspections in·spec·tion He had completed his inspection of the doors
to view and examine officially
to examine; to scrutinize; to investigate; as, to inspect conduct
An examination of property for various reasons such as, termite inspections, inspection to see if required repairs were made before funds are disbursed, etc
A testing technique in which participants examine program code for predictable language-specific errors
Programs dealing with both the procedural and substantive aspects of building inspections, and the individuals and departments that perform inspections
Periodic audits of the workplace environment, including equipment, chemicals, building structure, documented procedures, records, and employee knowledge of job requirements and hazards Inspections may be undertaken for the purpose of departmental self-evaluation or by Environmental Health and Safety or outside agencies for analysis of compliance with health and safety regulations
plural of inspection
Many states or counties require annual or biennial emissions and/or safety inspections Odometer readings are collected at the time of the inspection
When AECC makes a Guaranteed Purchase Offer to the transferee, inspections will be ordered on the property by either AECC or the marketing assistance company Typically, a general home, radon and wood destroying insect's inspections are ordered
A testing technique in which participants examine program code for predictable language-specific errors (17)
lax inspection
negligent inspection, examination that was not carefully performed
periodical inspection
inspection which is made at regular intervals
physical inspection
official inspection of a person's physical condition (Medical)
preflight inspection
mechanical inspection carried out on a plane before take-off
unexpected inspection
inspection which was not anticipated
united states postal inspection service
the primary law enforcement arm of the United States Postal Service
visual inspection
(Ticaret) Human inspection of items or processes for color, scratches or other parameters that does not involve the use of equipment
visual inspection
(v) The process of evaluating a design visually Visual analysis is often used by industrial designers and marketing professionals to assess the consumer’s aesthetic reaction to a design This analysis can also be used by engineers to perform a quick confirmation of geometry
visual inspection
examination that is carried out by eye
visual inspection
A walk-through type of inspection of the work area to detect incomplete work, damage or inadequate clean up of a worksite
visual inspection
A home inspector’s primary means by which to observe and identifying the readily accessible components of a home