(Askeri) EK HARİTA: Haritacılıkta, daha geniş bir haritanın sınırları içine yerleştirilmiş ayrı bir harita. Üç şekli vardır: a. Coğrafi olarak paftanın dışında bulunan ancak yayınlamayı kolaylaştırmak üzere buraya dahil edilen genellikle aynı ölçekteki harita parçası. b. Haritanın daha büyük ölçekte yapılmış bir bölümü. c. Bir mevkiyi tespit amacıyla dahil edilen çevredeki bölgeleri gösteren daha küçük ölçekte yapılmış harita
(in-service education and training for teachers) interventions that are provided through the process of updating teachers and professionals after their initial qualification e g short course, day conferences, secondments etc
{i} something which has been inserted, something set in; additional page (placed in a book, newspaper, etc.); small image which has been placed within a larger one; piece of cloth added to a dress
Something that is inset with a decoration or piece of material has the decoration or material set inside it. a gold pendant, inset with a diamond
One or more separate leaves inserted in a volume before binding; as: (a) A portion of the printed sheet in certain sizes of books which is cut off before folding, and set into the middle of the folded sheet to complete the succession of paging; also called offcut
In-Service Education and Training of Teachers In-Service training courses provided for teachers to develop and update their professional skills, expertise and competence
An inset is a small picture, diagram, or map that is inside a larger one. I frequently paint between 10 and 20 insets for my murals. in-service education training in the UK, training for teachers which takes place during the school year