information which has been encrypted so people without the code can't read it

listen to the pronunciation of information which has been encrypted so people without the code can't read it
English - English
{i} coded information
information which has been encrypted so people without the code can't read it


    in·for·ma·tion which has been encrypted so peo·ple with·out the code can't read it

    Turkish pronunciation

    înfôrmeyşın hwîç hız bın enkrîptîd sō pipıl wîdhaut dhi kōd känt rid ît


    /ənˈfôrˈmāsʜən ˈhwəʧ həz bən enˈkrəptəd ˈsō ˈpēpəl wəᴛʜˈout ᴛʜē ˈkōd ˈkant ˈrēd ət/ /ɪnˈfɔːrˈmeɪʃən ˈhwɪʧ həz bən ɛnˈkrɪptɪd ˈsoʊ ˈpiːpəl wɪðˈaʊt ðiː ˈkoʊd ˈkænt ˈriːd ɪt/