index numbers

listen to the pronunciation of index numbers
English - Turkish

Definition of index numbers in English Turkish dictionary

index number
indeks sayı
index number
indeks sayısı
index number
(İstatistik) gösterge sayısı
index number
(Ticaret) endeks sayısı
English - English

Definition of index numbers in English English dictionary

index number
number which shows the change in percentages
index number
A number indicating change in magnitude, as of price, wage, employment, or production shifts, relative to the magnitude at a specified point usually taken as 100
index numbers


    in·dex Num·bers

    Turkish pronunciation

    îndeks nʌmbırz


    /ˈəndeks ˈnəmbərz/ /ˈɪndɛks ˈnʌmbɜrz/