incur a fine

listen to the pronunciation of incur a fine
English - Danish
pådrage sig en bøde
English - Greek
τιμωρούνται με πρόστιμο (timoroyntai me prostimo)
English - Portuguese
incorrer em multa
English - French
passible d'une amende
English - Dutch
een boete
English - Lehçe
ponieść karę
English - Spanish
incurrirá en una multa
English - Swedish
betala böter
English - Italian
incorrere in una multa
English - Russian
подвергаться штрафу
English - Finnish
English - German
eine Geldstrafe zahlen müssen
eine Geldstrafe verwirken
incur a fine


    in·cur a fine

    Turkish pronunciation

    înkır ı fayn


    /ənˈkər ə ˈfīn/ /ɪnˈkɜr ə ˈfaɪn/