increase in the risk

listen to the pronunciation of increase in the risk
English - Danish
stigning i risikoen
English - Swedish
ökad risk
English - Dutch
verhoging van het risico
English - Greek
αύξηση του κινδύνου (afxisi toy kindynoy)
English - Italian
aumento del rischio
English - Russian
повышение риска
English - Spanish
aumento del riesgo
English - German
Erhöhung des Risikos
English - Finnish
riski suurenee
English - Portuguese
aumento do risco
English - Lehçe
wzrost ryzyka
English - French
augmentation du risque
increase in the risk


    in·crease in the risk

    Turkish pronunciation

    înkris în dhi rîsk


    /ənˈkrēs ən ᴛʜē ˈrəsk/ /ɪnˈkriːs ɪn ðiː ˈrɪsk/