in good time

listen to the pronunciation of in good time
English - Turkish
önceden belirlenen zamanda
tam zamanında

Taksi tam zamanında geldi. - The taxi arrived in good time.

Tom masasını temizlemek için tam zamanında ofise gitmek istedi. - Bill wanted to get to the office in good time to clean his desk.

biraz erken
süresi gelince
in time

Bir yenilik zamanla yok olur. - A novelty wears off in time.

Zamanla anlayacaksın. - In time, you will understand.

in time

Bir trafik sıkışıklığı yakalanmazsak, sanırım zamanında orada olacağız. - I think we'll get there in time if we don't get caught in a traffic jam.

Zamanında gelemediği ortaya çıktı. - It fell out that he could not come in time.

in time

Bu sabah okula vaktinde gidemedim. - I wasn't in time for school this morning.

Saat 2.30'da buluşmam vardı ama trafiğe yakalandım ve oraya vaktinde varamadım. - I had an appointment at 2:30, but I was caught in traffic and couldn't get there in time.

in time
bir süre sonra
in time
sırası gelince
in time
in time
uygun zamanda
in time
uygun tempoda
in time
zamanında yetişmek

Trene zamanında yetişmek için acele etti. - He hurried so as to be in time for the train.

Ben ilk otobüse zamanında yetişmek için aceleyle kahvaltı yaptım. - I had breakfast in haste in order to be in time for the first bus.

in time
zaman içerisinde

Sorunu büyümeden halletmeyi zaman içerisinde öğreneceksiniz. - You'll learn in time that a stitch in time saves nine.

in time

Eğer erken kalkarsan okula zamanında varabilirsin. - If you get up early, you can be in time for school.

Erken kalk ve zamanında ol. - Get up early, and you'll be in time.

in time
at the right time
in time
1. vaktinde, zamanında (yetişmek/yetiştirmek): Can you finish this in time? Bunu vaktinde yetiştirebilir misiniz? We can't get there in time
English - English
Before an appointed time

A taxicab took me round in good time for my appointment.

At a suitable time

Reagan: And in good time you gave it.

at the right time
in time
Sufficiently early (for something)

You've got here in time for tea — I was just making some.

in time
As time passes

In time, it got easier to deal with her death.

in time
At or before the time assigned

If I don't leave now, I won't get to work in time.

in time
In the correct tempo (for a piece of music)
in time
1. Soon enough. We got to Washington in time for the cherry blossoms. We got to the station just in time to catch the bus. John liked to get to work in good time and talk. to the man who worked on his machine before him. 2. In the end; after a while; finally. Fred and Jim did not like each other at first, but in time they became friends. 3. In the right rhythm; in step. The marchers kept in time with the band. Johnny didn't play his piano piece in time
in time
Being associated in the 'now' on you time line
in time
without being tardy; "we made it to the party in time
in time
when a stop-hit arrives at least one fencing time before the original attack
in time
At least one fencing time before the opposing action, especially with regards to a stop-hit
in time
A state in which the individual perceives the passage of time as continuous in the present, where the future has limited importance, and the past is no longer relevant Often manifested in Arab cultures, where fixed time appointments have little meaning, and business is done in free flowing groups over an indefinite period
in time
within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time; "he will understand eventually"; "he longed for the flowers that were yet to show themselves"; "sooner or later you will have to face the facts"; "in time they came to accept the harsh reality"
in time
Having a time line that passes through your body: where the past is behind you and the future in front, and 'now' is inside your body
in time
without being tardy; "we made it to the party in time"
in time
Simultaneous arrival at the foul line of one's sliding foot and release of the ball
in time
at the needed time; within the required time; in the future, as time passes
in good time

    Turkish pronunciation

    în gîd taym


    /ən gəd ˈtīm/ /ɪn ɡɪd ˈtaɪm/


    ... and have a good time to go ...
    ... give them a good time. ...