in contemplation

listen to the pronunciation of in contemplation
English - Danish
i kontemplation
in contemplation of
i forventning om
English - Greek
στο σχέδιο (sto shedio)
in contemplation of
εν όψει της (en opsei tis)
English - Finnish

Definition of in contemplation in English Finnish dictionary

in contemplation of
ja pohdiskeluun
English - Swedish

Definition of in contemplation in English Swedish dictionary

in contemplation of
i betraktande av
English - French

Definition of in contemplation in English French dictionary

in contemplation of
dans la contemplation de
English - Portuguese

Definition of in contemplation in English Portuguese dictionary

in contemplation of
na contemplação do
English - Spanish

Definition of in contemplation in English Spanish dictionary

in contemplation of
en la contemplación de
English - German

Definition of in contemplation in English German dictionary

in contemplation of
in der Betrachtung der
English - Dutch

Definition of in contemplation in English Dutch dictionary

in contemplation of
in de contemplatie van de
English - Russian

Definition of in contemplation in English Russian dictionary

in contemplation of
в созерцание
English - Italian

Definition of in contemplation in English Italian dictionary

in contemplation of
nella contemplazione di
English - Lehçe

Definition of in contemplation in English Lehçe dictionary

in contemplation of
w oczekiwaniu na
in contemplation


    in con·tem·pla·tion

    Turkish pronunciation

    în käntımpleyşın


    /ən ˌkäntəmˈplāsʜən/ /ɪn ˌkɑːntəmˈpleɪʃən/


    ... of contemplation. But that doesn't mean that between now and ...