in american military for incorrect or false

listen to the pronunciation of in american military for incorrect or false
English - English
one eighty out

I read you loud and clear but it's still 180-out.

in american military for incorrect or false


    in A·me·ri·can mi·li·ta·ry for in·cor·rect or false

    Turkish pronunciation

    în ımerıkın mîlıteri fôr înkırekt ır fôls


    /ən əˈmerəkən ˈmələˌterē ˈfôr ənkərˈekt ər ˈfôls/ /ɪn əˈmɛrəkən ˈmɪləˌtɛriː ˈfɔːr ɪnkɜrˈɛkt ɜr ˈfɔːls/