A one dimensional entity that represents a connected set of points in three-space Curves may be viewed/edited using Shape Editor windows Note that the term "Curve" is also used in its non-geometric mathematical sense to describe the functional parametric mappings used to define decremental conduction, interval/duration, and interval/potential effects
A set of data points that defines a time dependent property or boundary condition Curves can be created with the Curve Editor Curves can also specify other (e g temperature) dependent properties
In well logging, a trace representing a continuous record of some property or occurrence in the wellbore environment versus depth One or more curves may constitute a well log
Pitch that moves down, across, or down and across, depending upon the rotation of the ball
a baseball thrown with spin so that its path curves as it approach the batter a line on a graph representing data the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes
imtihan notları sonucu sınıf standartına göre not verme sistemi
im·ti·han not·la·rı so·nu·cu sı·nıf stan·dar·tı·na gö·re not ver·me sis·te·mi