(Askeri) BİR ANDA YAPILMIŞ PATLAYICI CİHAZLAR: İmha etmek, şeklini bozmak, şaşırtmak veya tedirgin etmek üzere imha edici, öldürücü, zararlı, yangın ve yakıcı kimya maddelerinden oluşan anında üretilmiş veya yerleştirilmiş cihazlar
English - English
Definition of improvised explosive device in English English dictionary
an unconventional or amateur explosive weapon made from nonmilitary components, especially one used by guerillas, commandos or terrorists
(Askeri) An improvised explosive device (IED) is a bomb constructed and deployed in ways other than in conventional military action. They may be partially comprised of conventional military explosives, such as an artillery round, attached to a detonating mechanism