important food fish of cold deep lakes of north america

listen to the pronunciation of important food fish of cold deep lakes of north america
English - English
important food fish of cold deep lakes of north america


    im·por·tant food fish of Cold deep lakes of North A·me·ri·ca

    Turkish pronunciation

    împôrtınt fud fîş ıv kōld dip leyks ıv nôrth ımerıkı


    /əmˈpôrtənt ˈfo͞od ˈfəsʜ əv ˈkōld ˈdēp ˈlāks əv ˈnôrᴛʜ əˈmerəkə/ /ɪmˈpɔːrtənt ˈfuːd ˈfɪʃ əv ˈkoʊld ˈdiːp ˈleɪks əv ˈnɔːrθ əˈmɛrəkə/