Bir elektrik devresinin alternatif akıma karşı gösterdiği reaktif (sanal,kapasitif veya endüktif) ve gerçel (rezistif) değerlerinin toplamı
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Bir elektrik devresinin alternatif akıma karşı gösterdiği reaktif (kapasitif veya endüktif) ve gerçel (rezistif) direnç değerlerinin toplamı
Definition of impedance in English English dictionary
A measure of the opposition to the flow of an alternating current in a circuit; the aggregation of its resistance, inductive and capacitive reactance. Represented by the symbol Z
a measure of the opposition caused by differences between two paradigms, especially between object oriented development and relational databases
Why does a technological impedance mismatch exist?.
the sound pressure divided by the particle velocity and the surface area through which an acoustic wave propagates
The combined effect of capacitance, inductance, and resistance on a signal According to Ohms law, voltage is the product of current and resistance at a given frequency Impedance is a measure of resistance to electrical current flow when a voltage is moved across it Impedance is measured in ohms and is the ratio of voltage to the flow of current allowed
The apparent resistance in an electric circuit to the flow of an alternating current, analogous to the actual electrical resistance to a direct current, being the ratio of electromotive force to the current
The total opposition that a circuit offers to the flow of current at a particular frequency It is a combination of resistance (R) and reactance (X) and is measured in ohms
Similar to electrical resistance, since it is a measure of the opposition to the flow of electricity Impedance is meaningful only for alternating current, and changes value as the frequency of the electricity changes
- A measurement, in ohms, of the resistance a component presents to the flow of electrical current; the lower the number, the lower the resistance Speaker impedance is especially important when determining amplifier compatibility
The electrical characteristic of an electronic device that reflects the voltage developed in response to a current supplied to the device High impedance receiver inputs respond with less power demand upon a received input signal Low impedance speakers permit higher power drive from a given amplifier output voltage
a measure of the total opposition to current flow in an alternating current circuit measured in ohms When applied to speakers, impedance is the load that a speaker places on the power amplifier A low impedance device draws a high current flow from a source such as a power amplifier; higher impedance sources draw less
the opposition of a circuit or speaker to ac current; the combined effect of a speaker's resistance, inductance, and capacitance that opposes the current fed to it It is measured in ohms and varies with the frequency of the signal
Resistance to the flow of alternating current (e g , The resistance of a speakers voice coil may be measured at 3 1 ohms, but the impedance of that speaker may be 10 ohms at 50 Hz )
a measure of the power of a piece of electrical equipment to stop the flow of an alternating current
The total passive opposition offered to the flow of electric current Note 1: Impedance is determined by the particular combination of resistance, inductive reactance, and capacitive reactance in a given circuit (188) Note 2: Impedance is a function of frequency, except in the case of purely resistive networks
The total opposition (i e , resistance and reactance) a circuit offers to the flow of alternating current at a given frequency
For an inductive circuit, X = 2πfL, where f = frequency and L = self-inductance; for a circuit with capacity X = 1 ÷ 2πfC, where C = capacity
The total opposition that a battery offers to the flow of alternating current Impedance is a combination of resistance and reactance
total opposition to flow of current, measured in ohms; combined effort of resistance, inductance, and capacitance
The total opposition (i e resistance and reactance) a circuit offers to the flow of alternating current It is measured in ohms, and the lower the ohmic value, the better the quality of the conductor
Impedance Intermittent Test Used in terms of the battery's internal resistance a test during which a battery is subjected to alternate periods of discharge and rest according to a specified discharge regime Internal Impedance The opposition exhibited by a circuit element (cell or battery) to the flow of an alternating current (a/c ) of a particular frequency as a result of resistance, induction and capacitance Internal Resistance (IR) The opposition exhibited by a circuit element to the flow of direct current (D C ) In a cell, the internal resistance is the sum of the ionic and electronic resistances of the cell components IR Drop A voltage drop associated with the electrical resistance (R) of a battery or current flow (I) The voltage drop is the product of the current (in amperes) and the resistance (in ohms)
The total opposition by a circuit to the flow of alternating current; a vector sum of all resistance and reactance in a circuit, expressed in ohms
The total opposition a circuit , cable, or component offers to alternating current It includes both resistance and reactance and is generally expressed in ohms
The amount of resistance (or cost) required to traverse a line from its origin node to its destination node or to make a turn (i e , move from one arc through a node onto another arc) Resistance may be a measure of travel distance, time, speed of travel times the length, and so on Higher impedance indicates more resistance to movement, with 0 indicating no cost Often, a negative impedance value indicates a barrier Impedance is used in network routing and allocation An optimum path in a network is the path of least resistance (or lowest impedance)
A unit of measure, expressed in Ohms, of the total opposition (resistance, capacitance and inductance) offered to the flow of an alternating current
The total passive opposition offered to the flow of electric current Determined by the particular combination of resistance, inductive reactance, and capacitive reactance in a given circuit A function of frequency, except when in a purely resistive network
An electrical characteristic that measures opposition to the flow of an alternating current in a wire Just like resistance is to a direct current flow AC signals get very upset when cables of different impedances are connected (3)
A characteristic of an electric circuit that determines its hindrance to the flow of electricity The higher the impedance, the lower the current The unit of measure is the same as resistance (ohms)
A measure of the opposition to the flow of an alternating current in a circuit; the aggregation of its resistance, inductive and capacitive reactance
The total opposition that a circuit offers to the flow of alternating current or any other varying current at a particular frequency It is a combination of resistance R and reactance X, measured in ohms
Impedance is the resistance equivalent for AC, and it affects a network's propagation delay and attenuation Each protocol and topology has its own impedance standards For example, 10BaseT UTP cable has an impedance of 100 ohms to 105 ohms, while 10Base2 coaxial cable has an impedance of 50 ohms
Through opposition to flow of current put up by a circuit across which voltage has been applied Impedance varies with frequency and is best considered in relative terms A filter works best when its impedance in the RFI frequency range on the line and load side is greatly different from the impedance on the line and load circuits to to which it is connected This is called impedance mismatch
The opposition to the flow of an AC signal offered by a circuit or device See also RF Impedance, Hi-Z, Lo-Z
A technique in which the volume of segments of the body can be continuously measured via electrical impedance; used to study the cardiovascular system and other physiological functions
The use of electric circuits, transmission lines, and other devices to make the impedance of a load equal to the internal impedance of the source of power, thereby making possible the most efficient transfer of power
Opposition that a circuit presents to electric current. It includes both resistance and reactance. Resistance arises from collisions of the current-carrying charged particles with the internal structure of the conductor. Reactance is an additional opposition to the movement of electric charge that arises from the changing electric and magnetic fields in circuits carrying alternating current. Impedance in circuits carrying steady direct currents is simply resistance. The magnitude of the impedance Z of a circuit is equal to the maximum value of the potential difference, or voltage V, across the circuit, divided by the maximum value of the current I through the circuit, or simply Z = V/I. The unit of impedance is the ohm