immer noch

listen to the pronunciation of immer noch
German - Turkish
noch immer
English - Turkish

Definition of immer noch in English Turkish dictionary


Hareketsiz yatman gerekiyor. - You need to lie still.

Tom nasıl hareketsiz oturacağını bilmiyor. - Tom doesn't know how to sit still.


Fransa'nın para birimi franktı ve sembolü ₣ idi. Frank Fransa'da artık kullanılmıyor ama Gine gibi bazı eski Fransız kolonilerinde hâlâ kullanılmaktadır. - France's currency was the franc, and its symbol was ₣. While it is no longer used in France, francs are still in use in some former French colonies such as Guinea.

Merhaba? Hâlâ burada mısın? - Hello? Are you still here?

buna rağmen

Buna rağmen, bizim hâlâ ağrıların beyin işlemleri tarafından tam olarak nasıl neden olduğu hakkında bilimsel bir açıklamaya ihtiyacımız var. - All the same, we still need a scientific account of how exactly pains are caused by brain processes.

Çok hatası var. Buna rağmen onu severim. - She has a lot of faults. Still, I like her.

{i} içki fabrikası
{i} sükunet
{f} sakinleşmek
(İnşaat) durgun, duran, hala
damıtma aygıtı
durgun,fa.hala: adj.hareketsiz
{s} köpüksüz (şarap)
{s} rüzgârsız; esintisiz
bağ. bununla beraber, bununla birlikte: I'm sorry about this. Still, I'm sure that in the end it's for the best. Üzgünüm. Bununla beraber
(sıfat) durgun, hareketsiz, sakin, sessiz, köpüksüz
{s} köpüksüz
German - English
A resident of the Falkland Islands
always; invariably; constantly; continuously

Lechery, lechery, still wars and lechery; nothing else holds fashion.

Not moving; calm

Still waters run deep.

A period of calm or silence
{n} a vessel for distillation, calm, silence
{v} to calm, quiet, appease, silence, distil
(poetic) tranquil silence; "the still of the night"
lessen the intensity of or calm; "The news eased my conscience"; "still the fears"
In an increasing or additional degree; even more; much used with comparatives
make motionless
To drop, or flow in drops; to distill
without moving or making a sound; "he sat still as a statue"; "time stood still"; "they waited stock-still outside the door"; "he couldn't hold still any longer
Not effervescing; not sparkling; as, still wines
Cornelius Tacitus is called Cornelius the Still in the Fardle of Facions, “still” being a translation of the Latin word tacitus “Cornelius the Stylle in his first book of his yerely exploietes called in Latine Ansales ” - Ch iii s 3 (1555)
not in physical motion; "the inertia of an object at rest"
marked by absence of sound; "a silent house"; "soundless footsteps on the grass"; "the night was still"
To this time; until and during the time now present; now no less than before; yet
To appease; to calm; to quiet, as tumult, agitation, or excitement; as, to still the passions
{i} silence, quiet; photograph; apparatus for distilling liquids; distillery
Uttering no sound; silent; as, the audience is still; the animals are still
immer noch im Dunkeln tappend
still in the dark /SITD/
immer noch nicht
still not yet
immer noch nicht
still not
Alles schön und gut, aber damit ist immer noch nicht klar, ob die Eintrittskarte
All well and good, but this still doesn't clear up whether the tickets are valid or not
Das Einkommen von Frauen ist im Verhältnis zu dem der Männer immer noch niedrig.
Women's earnings are still low in relation to men's
Das Garagentor funktioniert immer noch nicht richtig.
The garage door is still out of whack
Das wird immer noch als Kavaliersdelikt angesehen.
It is still considered a harmless sport
Die Schlange vor dem Schalter ist noch immer dieselbe.
The queue in front of the desk hasn't budged
Die ländliche Wirtschaft liegt immer noch weitgehend danieder.
Wider parts of the rural economy remain blighted
Diese Idee spukt noch immer in den Köpfen (herum).
This idea still hasn't been laid to rest
Diese Idee spukt noch immer in den Köpfen (herum).
This idea has still a hold on the public mind
Diese Vorstellung geistert immer noch in den Köpfen herum.
This idea has still a hold on the public mind
Diese Vorstellung geistert immer noch in den Köpfen herum.
This idea still hasn't been laid to rest
Dieses Pfeifsignal hallt immer noch in meinen Ohren.
That whistle still echoes/resonates in my ears
Du bist immer noch der Alte.
You haven't changed
Entschuldigung, ich verstehe immer noch nicht.
Sorry, I still don't understand. /SISDU/
Es gibt immer noch eine kleine Chance, dass wir gewinnen.
There's still a slight/slim/outside chance that we can win
Es gibt immer noch keine Hinweise auf den Verbleib des entführten Reporters.
There are still no leads on the whereabouts of the kidnapped reporter
Es ist eine alte Geschichte, aber sie vermag die Kinder immer noch zu fesseln.
It's an old story, but it still has the power to captivate children
Ich bin (immer) noch beschäftigt.
I'm still busy
Ich bin immer noch nicht ganz auf der Höhe.
I still don't feel up to the mark/up to snuff
Ich denke immer noch gerne an meine Studienzeit zurück.
I still think back with fond memories to my time as a student
Ich glaube, meine Mutter sieht mich immer noch als Neunjährigen.
I think my mother still conceives of me as a nine-year-old
Ich habe immer noch die Schmutzränder vom Lehmboden auf meinen Schuhen.
I still have the clay tidemarks on my shoes
In manchen arabischen Ländern sind Frauen immer noch vom Wahlrecht ausgeschlosse
In some Arab countries women are still excluded from the right to vote
Schreib ganz frei. Du kannst später immer noch etwas streichen.
Write freely. You can always edit things out later
Seine Ex/Scheidung beschäftigt ihn immer noch / spukt ihm immer noch im Kopf her
He's still hung up on his ex-wife/divorce
Seine Verletzung macht ihm immer noch zu schaffen.
He is still being troubled by his injury
Sie klammern sich immer noch an die alten Vorstellungen von Bildung.
They still cling to the old shibboleths of education
Sie versucht immer noch, seinen Tod zu verarbeiten.
She's still trying to deal with his death
Trotz seiner Fehler ist es immer noch das beste Smartphone auf dem Markt.
For all its faults, it is still the best smartphone on the market
Wenn es dann immer noch nicht funktioniert, liegt es (sicher) nicht an dir.
It won't be your fault if it's still not working
Wenn ich daran denke, tut es immer noch weh.
Thinking of it still gives me a pang
Wer immer noch glaubt, dass darin die Lösung liegt, der belügt sich selbst.
Whoever still thinks that this is the solution is lying to themselves
Wir waren zigmal dort und sie weiß den Weg immer noch nicht.
We've been there umpteen times and she still can't remember the way
Wir wissen immer noch nicht, wie die Firma das Geld aufzubringen gedenkt.
We still don't know how the company proposes raising the money
Zu Mittag schlief sie immer noch.
She was still asleep at noon
Zu Mittag war sie immer noch nicht wach.
She was still asleep at noon
noch immer