ilkel haline geri dönmek

listen to the pronunciation of ilkel haline geri dönmek
Turkish - English
A convert to Islam
To return; to come back

If they attack, we will revert to the bunker.

To convert to Islam
To change back, as from a soluble to an insoluble state or the reverse

Phosphoric acid in certain fertilizers reverts.

To return, wholly or in part, towards some preëxistent form; to take on the traits or characters of an ancestral type
{v} to return, to turn over
One who, or that which, reverts
To return to the proprietor after the termination of a particular estate granted by him
{i} person or thing which returns to a previous condition or belief; reversion, return of property to its owner after the occurrence of a particular event (Law)
To return to the last saved version of a document
noun, verb An extra element to add to a trick by continuing the motion of the trick until the board and skater are going backwards To clarify: to do a frontside air revert is to do a frontside air, land, and then to turn around, in the frontside direction, and go backwards towards the next wall The motion here completes a circle, all in the same direction Therefore, a backside ollie revert means to spin in the backside direction (clockwise for regular footers)
To throw back; to reflect; to reverberate
(File menu) An option enabling you to reset the current module definition to the most recently saved state
When people or things revert to a previous state, system, or type of behaviour, they go back to it. Jackson said her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily
– (in Hosta) the change of a variegated sport back to its original solid colored predecessor
To throw away a file in the client workspace, replacing it with the revision in the depot that was being edited Files that were opened with p4 add are left in the client workspace; they are simply removed from the corresponding changelist Reverting files can only be done before the files have been submitted
Used to describe landing Switch or Fakie A Roll To Revert is a Back Roll with a 180 causing the rider to land backwards, or Revert
undergo reversion, as in a mutation go back to a previous state; "We reverted to the old rules
Discard all changes and return to the last-saved version
A natural, organic polymer fluid derived from the guar plant See also polymer
ilkel haline geri dönmek