(Askeri) (NUCLEAR) III. NÜKLEER BÖLGE: Tüm personel için asgari korunmanın gerekli olduğu, yer sıfır noktası merkez olarak alınan ve yarıçapı ııı. asgari emniyetli mesafeye göre belirlenen (ı. ve ıı bölgeler hariç) dairesel bölge. Asgari korunma tüm silahlı kuvvetler personelinin tüm deri kısımları kapatılmış, olarak açık arazide ve en az iki katlı üniformanın sağladığı kadar bir korunmayla ısıya karşı korundukları anlamına gelir
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Definition of iii in English English dictionary
"Legally authorized representative" means an individual or judicial or other body authorized under applicable law to consent on behalf of a prospective subject to the subject's participation in the procedure(s) involved in the research
Welfare-to-Work Grants: The U S Department of Labor's (DOL) Employment and Training Administration has awarded $3 billion in Welfare-to-Work grants to assist the hardest-to-serve TANF recipients in preparing for and gaining employment States received 75 percent of this funding as formula grants Local communities received 25 percent of these funds in the form of competitive grants These funds can be used for support services, job retention and post-employment services, including transportation assistance
son of Edward II and King of England from 1327-1377; his claim to the French throne provoked the Hundred Years' War; his reign was marked by an epidemic of the Black Plague and by the emergence of the Commons as the powerful arm of Parliament (1312-1377)
King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1760 to 1820; the American colonies were lost during his reign; he became insane in 1811 and his son (later George IV) acted as regent until 1820 (1738-1820)
son of King John and king of England from 1216 to 1272; his incompetence aroused baronial opposition led by Simon de Montfort (1207-1272) son of Henry II of France and the last Valois to be king of France (1551-1589)
a large clinical trial of a treatment or drug that in phase I and phase II has been shown to be efficacious with tolerable side effects; after successful conclusion of phase III clinical trials it will receive formal approval from the FDA
King of England from 1483 to 1485; seized the throne from his nephew Edward V who was confined to the Tower of London and murdered; his reign ended when he was defeated by Henry Tudor (later Henry VII) at the battle of Bosworth Field (1452-1485)
King of England and Scotland and Ireland; he married the daughter of James II and was invited by opponents of James II to invade England; when James fled, William III and Mary II were declared joint monarchs (1650-1702)