
listen to the pronunciation of iconoclast
English - English
One who destroys religious images or icons, especially an opponent of the Orthodox Church in the 8th and 9th centuries, or a Puritan during the European Reformation

In the days of the early Christian church, people who opposed the veneration (reverence) of images were called iconoclasts.

One who opposes orthodoxy and religion; one who adheres to the doctrine of iconoclasm

In February 1895 he revived publication of the Iconoclast. This time it was successful and eventually attained a circulation of 100,000. Brann took obvious relish in directing his stinging attacks upon institutions and persons he considered to be hypocritical or overly sanctimonious.

One who attacks cherished beliefs
an image-breaker
If you describe someone as an iconoclast, you mean that they often criticize beliefs and things that are generally accepted by society. someone who attacks established ideas and customs (iconoclastes, from eikon ( ICON) + klan )
A breaker or destroyer of images or idols; a determined enemy of idol worship
One who exposes or destroys impositions or shams; one who attacks cherished beliefs; a radical
{i} one who destroys religious images or idols; one who attacks sacred traditions or cherished ideals, radical
someone who tries to destroy traditional ideas or institutions
One who destroys religious images or icons, especially an opponent of the Orthodox Church in the 8th and 9th centuries, or a Puritan during the Reformation
{n} a breaker of images
characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions
If you describe someone or their words or ideas as iconoclastic, you mean that they contradict established beliefs. Is it utopian to hope that such iconoclastic ideas will gain ground?. iconoclastic ideas, opinions, writings etc attack established beliefs and customs
Characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions; of or pertaining to iconoclasm
Of or pertaining to the iconoclasts, or to image breaking
{s} of or pertaining to iconoclasts; nonconformist; opposed to religious images or idols; resisting the dominant values of society