i., mat. çarpan

listen to the pronunciation of i., mat. çarpan
Turkish - English
A number by which another (the multiplicand) is to be multiplied

The score multiplier increases each time you complete a level of the video game.

{n} one who multiplies, a multiplicator
An number assigned to each advertisement (based on the number of “Impressions” purchased) that controls how often the ad is displayed in relation to other advertisements in the system An ad with a multiplier of 2 is displayed twice as often as an ad with a multiplier of 1
An instrument for multiplying or increasing by repetition or accumulation the intensity of a force or action, as heat or electricity
A series resistor that is used to extend the measurable voltage range beyond the particular value which is the physical limit of the meter movement itself Multiplier can also be used to refer to an external shunt or transformer used in conjunction with limited range meters
In economics, a numerical coefficient showing the effect of a change in one economic variable on another. One macroeconomic multiplier, the autonomous expenditures multiplier, relates the impact of a change in total national investment on the nation's total income; it equals the ratio of the change in total income to the change in investment. If, for example, the total investment in an economy is increased by $1 million, a chain reaction of increases in consumption is set off. Producers of raw materials used in the investment projects and workers employed in the projects gain $1 million in income. If they spend on average three-fifths of that income, $600,000 will be added to the incomes of others. The makers of the goods they buy will in turn spend three-fifths of their new income on consumption. The process continues such that the amount by which total income increases may be computed by an algebraic formula. In this case, the multiplier equals 1/(1/n-/n3/5), or 2.5. This means that a $1 million increase in investment creates a $2.5 million increase in total income. Other multipliers include the money multiplier, which measures money creation resulting from a change in monetary policy; the government spending multiplier, which measures the change in national income resulting from changes in fiscal policy; and the tax multiplier, which measures the changes in national income resulting from a change in taxes. The concept of the multiplier process was popularized in the 1930s by John Maynard Keynes as a means of measuring the effect of government spending
A figure used by county and state officials and applied uniformly to all parcels within a township to "equalize" assessments between townships and counties so that all values reflect the same assessment level
A number used to multiply a dollar amount to get an estimate of economic impact It is a way of identifying impacts beyond the original expenditure It can also be used with respect to income and employment
The investment multiplier which quantifies the overall effects of investment spending on total income The deposit multiplier which shows the effects of a change in bank deposits on the total amount of outstanding credit and the money supply
The multiple by which an initial change in aggregate spending will alter total expenditure after an infinite number of spending cycles; 1/(1 - MPC)
The number by which the multiplicand is multiplied 3 multiplicand X 2 multiplier
The multiplier was a concept developed by Keynes that said that any increase in injections into the economy (investment, government expenditure or exports) would lead to a proportionally bigger increase in National Income This is because the extra spending would have knock-on effects creating in turn even greater spending The size of the multiplier would depend on the level of leakages
A circuit whose output state is the arithmetic product of two input signals Important in DSP (digital signal processing) technology for signal processing and power control applications Intersil offers high-speed analog and digital multipliers
the multiplier is the ratio of the change in equilibrium GDP (Y) divided by the original change in spending that causes the change in GDP
the factor by which a change in a component of aggregate demand, like investment or government spending, is multiplied to lead to a larger change in equilibrium national output
The quotient of the Client Company bill rate divided by the Contractor salary For example, if the hourly bill rate is $30 00 and the hourly salary is $20 00, the Multiplier is 1 5 See also "Margin" and "Markup "
A general term used on Pacific Gas and Electric Company's natural gas and electric bills to refer to specific measurement adjustments applied to customers' metered energy use to ensure that all customers are billed equitably
the ratio of the change in real GDP to the shift in the aggregate expenditure line (chapter 12)
The factor by which the bus speed is multiplied to get the CPU clock speed
An electronic circuit whose output is the product of two input signals
i., mat. çarpan