i., anat. kulakzarı, kulakdavulu

listen to the pronunciation of i., anat. kulakzarı, kulakdavulu
Turkish - English
A thin membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear and transmits sound from the air to the malleus
Also known as the tympanic membrane and separates the middle ear from the outer ear
of Ear
(See tympanic membrane )
The tympanic membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear
A thin membrane covered by skin that separates the outer ear from the middle ear; also called the tympanic membrane
A thin membrane, called the tympanic membrane, which vibrates when struck by sound traveling down the ear canal This vibration displaces the attached bones of the middle ear (the ossicles)
(tympanic membrane) A thin layer of skin at the end of the external ear canal
Your eardrums are the thin pieces of tightly stretched skin inside each ear, which vibrate when sound waves reach them. a tight thin piece of skin over the inside of your ear which allows you to hear sound
{i} membrane of the inner ear
the membrane in the ear that vibrates to sound
A membrane that stretches across the inner end of the external ear canal and forms the outer boundary of the middle ear It reacts to sound waves and starts the ossicular chain moving It is about 1/3 inch (7 or 8 mm) in diameter syn: tympanic membrane, drum membrane, drumhead
The part of the ear that vibrates when sound waves hit it
The thin membrane that sound waves cause to vibrate; a structure of the middle ear (p 121)
Tympanic membrane; it vibrates and trans­mits sound from the canal to the middle ear
The tympanum
The eardrum (or tympanic membrane) stretches across the inner end of the external ear canal and forms the outer boundary of the middle ear It reacts to sound waves and starts the ossicular chain moving
i., anat. kulakzarı, kulakdavulu