i fıkırtı

listen to the pronunciation of i fıkırtı
Turkish - English
To bubble; to gurgle
To babble; To speak in an excited rush
A gush of rapid speech
If something burbles, it makes a low continuous bubbling sound. The water burbled over gravel The river gurgled and burbled
A bubbling, gurgling sound, as of a creek
The turbulent boundary layer about a moving streamlined body
A separation or breakdown of the laminar flow past a body; the eddying or turbulent flow resulting from this
{f} gurgle, make a bubbling sound; speak quickly and excitedly
flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise; "babbling brooks"
possibly "burst" and "bubble" or "bleat," "murmur," and "warble" (TAA)
To speak in an excited rush
The area of turbulence behind an object going through the air, whether a person in freefall or a canopy in flight
If you say that someone is burbling, you mean that they are talking in a confused way. He burbled something incomprehensible Key burbled about the wonderful people who contribute to tourism He burbles on about freedom
To bubble, gurgle or babble
i fıkırtı