Definition of hydrated lime in English English dictionary
slaked lime, or dead lime It is the result of the chemical reaction between quicklime and water If only the necessary amount of water is mixed with the quicklime to complete the reaction, then a dry powder results If additional water is added, a putty is formed; then with additional water a slurry of lime and water is made, and is called "Milk of Lime", or "lime slurry "The vapors given off during the slaking reaction are water vapors and steam They are not toxic, but will be very hot, and must be respected to prevent burns
The calcium hydroxide product that results from mixing quicklime with water Chemical formula is CaOH2
Limestone that has been burned and treated with water under controlled conditions until the calcium oxide portion has been converted to calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) Hydrated lime is quicklime combined with water CaO + H20 --> Ca(OH)2 Also see quicklime