human rights have been crushed in the process

listen to the pronunciation of human rights have been crushed in the process
English - German
Die Menschenrechte sind dabei unter die Räder gekommen
human rights have been crushed in the process


    hu·man rights have been crushed in the proc·ess

    Turkish pronunciation

    hyumın rayts häv bın krʌşt în dhi prôses


    /ˈhyo͞omən ˈrīts ˈhav bən ˈkrəsʜt ən ᴛʜē ˈprôˌses/ /ˈhjuːmən ˈraɪts ˈhæv bən ˈkrʌʃt ɪn ðiː ˈprɔːˌsɛs/