how far have you progressed since our last meeting

listen to the pronunciation of how far have you progressed since our last meeting
English - German
Wie weit sind Sie seit unserer letzten Sitzung gekommen?
how far have you progressed since our last meeting


    how far have you progressed since our last meet·ing

    Turkish pronunciation

    hau fär häv yu prıgrest sîns aur läs mitîng


    /ˈhou ˈfär ˈhav ˈyo͞o prəˈgrest ˈsəns ˈour ˈlas ˈmētəɴɢ/ /ˈhaʊ ˈfɑːr ˈhæv ˈjuː prəˈɡrɛst ˈsɪns ˈaʊr ˈlæs ˈmiːtɪŋ/