how do i notice when the meat is off

listen to the pronunciation of how do i notice when the meat is off
English - Turkish

Definition of how do i notice when the meat is off in English Turkish dictionary

how do i
(Bilgisayar) nasıl yaparım
how do i notice when the meat is off


    how do i no·tice when the meat I·s off

    Turkish pronunciation

    hau du ay nōtıs hwen dhi mit îz ôf


    /ˈhou ˈdo͞o ˈī ˈnōtəs ˈhwen ᴛʜē ˈmēt əz ˈôf/ /ˈhaʊ ˈduː ˈaɪ ˈnoʊtəs ˈhwɛn ðiː ˈmiːt ɪz ˈɔːf/