One who does, or oversees, the work of keeping house; as, his wife is a good housekeeper; often, a woman hired to superintend the servants of a household and manage the ordinary domestic affairs
A housekeeper is a person whose job is to cook, clean, and look after a house for its owner. someone who is employed to manage the cleaning, cooking etc in a house or hotel Do not confuse housekeeper and housewife. A housekeeper is someone who is paid by the owners of a house to do cooking and cleaning. A housewife is a woman who looks after her house rather than going out to work
house keeper
House keep·er
Turkish pronunciation
haus kipır
/ˈhous ˈkēpər/ /ˈhaʊs ˈkiːpɜr/
[ 'haus ] (noun.) before 12th century. Middle English hous, from Old English hus; akin to Old High German hus house.