
listen to the pronunciation of hotspot
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English - English
Alternative spelling of hot spot
a place of political unrest and potential violence; "the United States cannot police all of the world's hot spots", (synonym) hot spot
a point of intense heat or radiation, (synonym) hot spot
a lively entertainment spot, (synonym) hot spot
Another name for an image map or a clickable image, when an image is formatted so that a particular spot on the image is linked to a target page When clicked, the hotspot acts as a hyperlink
A graphically defined area in an image that contains a hyperlink An image with hotspots is called an image map In Web browsers, hotspots are invisible Users can tell that a hotspot is present by the changing appearance of the pointer
The part of a line which should be positioned at a specified height
A specially defined area on an image that contains a clickable hyperlink An image with hotspots is called an image map In web browsers, hotspots are invisible Users can tell that a hotspot is present by the changing appearance of the pointer
A place in a document that contains an embedded hyperlink
A graphically defined area in a graphic or picture containing a hyperlink A graphic with hotspots is called an image map Hotspots are invisible in Web browsers Site visitors can tell that a hotspot is present because the mouse pointer changes appearance when the mouse is moved over the graphic See also image map
An area on a hypertext document that a user can click on to retrieve another resource or document
A hotspot is a public location such as an airport, shopping mall or conference center that has readily accessible wireless networks, usually 802 11b or 802 11a
A graphically defined area in an image that contains a hyperlink An image with hotspots is called an image map In browsers, hotspots are invisible Users can tell that a hotspot is present by the changing appearance of the mouse pointer
a place of political unrest and potential violence; "the United States cannot police all of the world's hot spots"
The Hawaiian islands have been created by a hotspot in the middle of the Pacific Ocean As the Pacific plate moves in a north-west direction, a series of islands has been created The older islands have eroded - the Midway Islands 2,500 km away are older islands created by the same hotspot
A particularly active or intense part of a fire line
An area in an image on a WWW page that contains a hyperlink An image with hotspots is called an image map In web browsers the hotspots are invisible and users can only know that they are there when the mouse pointer changes shape
A particular active part of a fire
Hotspot Indicates a ‘hotspot’ on the graphic Attributes: id ID #IMPLIED ref IDREF #REQUIRED refnum CDATA #IMPLIED graphic ENTITY #REQUIRED -- pointer to entity nameloc -- rx NUMBER "0" -- left endpoint -- ry NUMBER "0" -- top endpoint -- rh NUMBER "2048" -- maximum height -- rw NUMBER "2048" -- maximum width --
a point of intense heat or radiation
{i} spot of light, beam of light; popular nightclub or entertainment site; site of ongoing warfare or political strife; place on the Earth's surface where molten lava builds up under the surface
a lively entertainment spot
The part of the pointer that corresponds to the coordinates reported for the pointer (e g the intersection of crosshairs, or the tip of the arrow of the basic pointer)
A particularly active part of a fire
The location in a cursor that corresponds to the coordinates of the pointer position
an area particularly rich in total numbers of species - an area of especially high pollutant concentration
A hotspot is an area on a map which can react to a user's action, such as moving the mouse or clicking a button
The region of displayed hypertext that, when selected, links the user to another point in the hypertext or another resource
an area of an image which acts as a hyperlink to another location
A cursor has an associated hotspot, which defines the point in the cursor corresponding to the coordinates reported for the pointer
A region of the world, such as the island of Madagascar, that is both rich in endemic species and environmentally threatened1
Specific spots within a PixAround Scene which when clicked, brings you to another PixAround Scene, a new Web page or a multimedia (audio or video) file You can identify Hotspots easily - they are represented by little icons on a PixAround Scene You can hide Hotspots by simply clicking on the 'Hide Hotspots' icon on the navigation bar
plural of hotspot
places where volcanoes occur other than on the edges of plates
Hotspots are portions of a picture or graphic which contain embedded links You can identify hotspots when your cursor changes into a pointing hand as it passes over them
Areas of extraordinarily high biological diversity
Hotspots are portions of the framework that separate code that you can change from code that you can't change Some hotspots exist to allow for side effects; others allow you to change the behavior of a function