A hotel is a building where people stay, for example on holiday, paying for their rooms and meals. a building where people pay to stay and eat meals stay at/in a hotel (hôtel, from hostel; HOSTEL). Building that provides lodging, meals, and other services to the traveling public on a commercial basis. Inns have existed since ancient times (e.g., along the Roman road system during the Roman Empire) to serve merchants and other travelers. Medieval European monasteries operated inns to guarantee haven for travelers in dangerous regions. The spread of travel by stagecoach in the 18th century stimulated the development of inns, as did the Industrial Revolution. The modern hotel was largely the result of the railroads; when traveling for pleasure became widely popular, large hotels were often built near railroad stations. In 1889 the Savoy Hotel in London set a new standard, with its own electricity and a host of special services; the Statler Hotel in Buffalo, N.Y. (1908), another landmark, catered to the growing class of business travelers. After World War II, new hotels tended to be larger and were often built near airports. Hotel chains became common, making purchasing, sales, and reservations more efficient. Hotels fall into three categories: transient hotels; resort hotels, intended primarily for vacationers; and residential hotels, essentially apartment buildings offering room and meal service. See also motel
Merchants selling lodging and hospitality services in a face-to-face environment, who normally use conventional terminals and key or swipe their transactions
A building or group of attached or detached buildings containing dwelling or lodging units in which 50 percent or more of the units are lodging units, usually distinguished by a front desk, dining and other common facilities
A building in which lodging or meals and lodging are offered to the general public for compensation and in which ingress and egress to and from the rooms are made primarily through an inside lobby or office The hotel may contain such accessory services and facilities as news-stands, personal grooming facilities and restaurants
Hotel/Motel (HO/MO) (HOTEL) indicates that this is a hotel/motel line, and provides Automatic Number Identification (ANI) for operator calls Hotel/motel assignment to either a subscriber or an Multi-line Hunt Group (MLHG) results in special AMA treatment This feature is incompatible with Class of Service with Data (HOTLINE) and Virtual Subscriber