
listen to the pronunciation of horrible.
English - Turkish
{s} berbat

Berbat bir hata yaptım. - I've made a horrible mistake.

Tom hakkında söyleyecek berbat bir şeydi. - That was a horrible thing to say about Tom.

dehşet verici
{s} kötü

Pazar gününden nefret ediyorum! Çok kötü bir gün! - I hate Sunday! It's a horrible day!

Tom kötü bir şey olmak üzere olduğu hissini atlatamadı. - Tom couldn't shake the feeling that something horrible was about to happen.

dehşete düşüren

O, merdivenin tepesinde korkunç bir yüz gördü. - He saw a horrible face at the top of the stairs.

Düşman, şehirde korkunç bir katliam yaptı. - The enemy committed a horrible manslaughter in the city.


Bu ilacın tadı çok kötü. - This medicine tastes horrible.

Bu yılki performansları çok berbattı. - Their performance that year was horrible.

pek çok
dili aşırı
horriblykorkunç bir şekilde
çirkin olarak
{s} korkutucu
{s} k.dili. çok kötü, çok fena, korkunç; çok kaba
iğrenç olarak
dili müthiş bir şekilde
{s} k.dili. berbat, çok kötü, iğrenç
{s} korkunç, dehşet verici, dehşete düşüren, dehşetli
iğrenç/dehşet verici
English - English
Causing horror; terrible; shocking
Tremendously wrong or errant
{a} dreadful, terrible, shocking, hideous
A person wearing a comic or grotesque costume in a parade of horribles
You can call something horrible when it causes you to feel great shock, fear, and disgust. Still the horrible shrieking came out of his mouth. = terrible + horribly hor·ri·bly A two-year-old boy was horribly murdered
A thing that causes horror; a terrifying thing, particularly a prospective bad consequence asserted as likely to result from an act
{s} terrible, awful; disgusting, repulsive
provoking horror; "an atrocious automobile accident"; "a frightful crime of decapitation"; "an alarming, even horrifying, picture"; "war is beyond all words horrible"- Winston Churchill; "an ugly wound"
emphasis Horrible is used to emphasize how bad something is. That seems like a horrible mess that will drag on for years = awful + horribly hor·ri·bly Our plans have gone horribly wrong
Exciting, or tending to excite, horror or fear; dreadful; terrible; shocking; hideous; as, a horrible sight; a horrible story; a horrible murder
If you describe something or someone as horrible, you do not like them at all. The record sounds horrible. a horrible small boy. + horribly hor·ri·bly When trouble comes they behave selfishly and horribly




    ... talking about iron lungs.  Polio was this horrible disease and there were people saying ...
    ... But if you feel like organic, horrible camera work is what ...