
listen to the pronunciation of hodgepodge
English - Turkish
English - English
A collection of miscellaneous things; a jumble

Man's life is but vain, for 'tis subject to pain, / And sorrow, and short as a bubble; / 'Tis a hodge-podge of business, and money, and care, / And care, and money, and trouble.

{n} a confused mixture
{i} mash, jumble; heterogeneous mixture; disorder, confusion
a motley assortment of things
A hodgepodge is an untidy mixture of different types of things. a hodgepodge of maps, small tools, and notebooks. = jumble
a theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas
A mixed mass; a medley
{n} a confused mixture
a motley assortment of things
In modern usage, a mixing together, or throwing into a common mass or stock, of the estate left by a person deceased and the amounts advanced to any particular child or children, for the purpose of a more equal division, or of equalizing the shares of all the children; the property advanced being accounted for at its value when given
a stew (or thick soup) made with meat and vegetables
A mingled mass; a confused mixture; a stew of various ingredients; a hodgepodge
A blending of property for equality of division, as when lands given in frank-marriage to one daughter were, after the death of the ancestor, blended with the lands descending to her and to her sisters from the same ancestor, and then divided in equal portions among all the daughters
a number of things mixed up without sensible order or arrangement (hotchpotch (14-21 centuries), from hochepot, from hochier + pot )
A hodgepodge; a collection containing a variety of miscellaneous things
{i} confused mixture, jumble; thick stew of vegetables or meat; hotchpot (Law)