his father's estate was entailed on a cousin

listen to the pronunciation of his father's estate was entailed on a cousin
English - German
Das Vermögen seines Vaters wurde auf einen Cousin vererbt
his father's estate was entailed on a cousin


    his father's es·tate was entailed on a cous·in

    Turkish pronunciation

    hîz fädhırz îsteyt wız înteyld ôn ı kʌzın


    /həz ˈfäᴛʜərz əˈstāt wəz ənˈtāld ˈôn ə ˈkəzən/ /hɪz ˈfɑːðɜrz ɪˈsteɪt wəz ɪnˈteɪld ˈɔːn ə ˈkʌzən/