
listen to the pronunciation of hidden}
English - Turkish

Definition of hidden} in English Turkish dictionary


Tom bahçesinde gizli bir yedek anahtar bulundurur. - Tom keeps a spare key hidden in his garden.

Tom gizli bir butona bastı. - Tom pressed a hidden button.

{s} saklı

Tom mağarada neyin saklı olduğunu biliyordu. - Tom knew what was hidden in the cave.

Arkanda saklı ne var? - What do you have hidden behind your back?

{s} gizlenmiş

Güneş ayın gölgesine gizlenmişti. - The sun was hidden in the moon's shadow.

Şimdi, dağ bulutlar tarafından gizlenmiştir. - Now the mountain is hidden by the clouds.

hidden curriculum
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) gizli müfredat
hidden economy
(Ticaret) kayıtdışı ekonomi
hidden fields
(Bilgisayar) gizli alanlar
hidden file
saklı dosya
hidden files
(Bilgisayar) gizli dosyalar
hidden folders
(Bilgisayar) gizli klasörler
hidden layer
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) saklı katman
hidden markov model
(Bilgisayar) saklı markov modeli
hidden objects
(Bilgisayar) gizli nesneleri
hidden objects
(Bilgisayar) gizli nesneler
hidden records
(Bilgisayar) gizli kayıtlar
hidden reserve
(Ticaret) gizli ihtiyat
{f} gizle

Para döşeme tahtalarının altında gizlenmişti. - The money was hidden beneath the floorboards.

Şimdi, dağ bulutlar tarafından gizlenmiştir. - Now the mountain is hidden by the clouds.

hidden damage
gizli zarar
hidden damage
gizli hasar
hidden file
gizli dosya
hidden inflation
gizli enflasyon
hidden line
gizli çizgi
hidden agenda
gizli gündemi
hidden camera clips
gizli kamera çekimi
hidden cash
Dalavere, yalan dolan, sonradan ortaya çıkabilecek olan gizli oyun
hidden claw
gizli pençe
hidden cost
gizli maliyet
hidden from
hidden messages
gizli mesajlar
hidden of
hidden shot
gizli çekim
hidden side
gizli tarafı
hidden talent
gizli yetenek
hidden treasure
gizli hazine
{f} gizle: adj.gizli
gizli saklı
{s} kuytu
{f} sakla: adj.saklı
s. gizli, kapalı
f., bak. hide
hidden assets
(Ticaret) gizli varlıklar
hidden bold
(Bilgisayar) gizli kalın
hidden capitalization
(Ticaret) örtülü sermaye edinilmesi
hidden catch
gizli bir tuzak
hidden catch
bit yeniği
hidden catch
gizli şart
hidden city ticketing
saklı şehir biletlemesi
hidden columns
(Bilgisayar) gizli sütunlar
hidden count
(Bilgisayar) gizli sayısı
hidden distribution
(Ticaret) gizli kar dağıtımı
hidden employment
(Avrupa Birliği) (disguised) Gizli işsizlik
hidden file
saklı kütük
hidden hammer
(Avcılık) kapalı horoz
hidden income
(Ticaret) örtülü kazanç
hidden italics
(Bilgisayar) gizli italik
hidden layer
sakli katman
hidden lock button
gizli kilitleme düğmesi
hidden lock switch
gizli kilitleme düğmesi
hidden message
(Bilgisayar) gizli ileti
hidden observer
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) gizli gözlemci
hidden profits
(Ticaret) örtülü kazançlar
hidden reserves
(Ticaret) gizli yedekler
hidden slide
(Bilgisayar) gizli slayt
hidden slides
(Bilgisayar) gizli slaytlar
hidden slides
(Bilgisayar) gizli slayt
hidden slides
(Bilgisayar) gizli slayt sayısı
hidden stations
(Bilgisayar) gizli istasyonlar
hidden system files
gizli sistem dosyaları
hidden tab
(Bilgisayar) gizli sekme
hidden tax
(Ticaret) vasıtasız ödenen vergi
hidden text
gizli metin
hidden weight
(İstatistik) gizli tartı
hidden weight
(İstatistik) zımni tartı
hidden window
(Bilgisayar) gizli pencere
concealed motives, hidden motives
gizli güdüler, gizli motifleri
display hidden text
Gizli metni görüntüle
number of hidden slides
(Bilgisayar) gizli slayt sayısı
English - English

Definition of hidden} in English English dictionary

Past participle of to hide
That has been hidden

hidden talents.

hidden agenda
A wish (and plan) to implement a particular idea without telling anybody even though people will be affected in a negative way
hidden agendas
plural form of hidden agenda
hidden variable
any parameter that would supplement quantum mechanics so as to make it like classical mechanics; they have been proved to be inconsistent with quantum mechanics
hidden web
(Antika) The Deep Web (also called the Deepnet, the Invisible Web, the Darknet, the Undernet or the hidden Web) is World Wide Web content that is not part of the Surface Web, which is indexed by standard search engines
hidden economy
(Ekonomi) A grey market or gray market also known as parallel market is the trade of a commodity through distribution channels which, while legal, are unofficial, unauthorized, or unintended by the original manufacturer. The term gray economy, however, refers to workers being paid under the table, without paying income taxes or contributing to such public services as Social Security and Medicare. It is sometimes referred to as the underground economy or "hidden economy."
designed to elude detection; "a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole"; "a secret passage"; "the secret compartment in the desk
A file or directory attribute Assigned to files or directories that should not normally be visible to the user
difficult to find; "hidden valleys"; "a hidden cave"; "an obscure retreat" designed to elude detection; "a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole"; "a secret passage"; "the secret compartment in the desk
from Hide
Mode of playing where arrows disappear before reaching the top of the screen
A hidden place is difficult to find. As you descend, suddenly you see at last the hidden waterfall. the past participle of hide
An input type that allows for information store with a page to be hidden from view
Hidden is the past participle of hide
Concealed; put out of view; secret; not known; mysterious
difficult to find; "hidden valleys"; "a hidden cave"; "an obscure retreat"
covered from view; "her face buried (or hidden) in her hands"; "a secret buried deep within herself"
not easy to see -- "This is another problem with the key word hidden " (195)
{s} ulterior, concealed, secret
Any element that is not shown in the current rendering of the scene but still exists
(Field Properties) A property that specifies whether Oracle Reports will suppress the indicated field at its location in the layout If Hidden is specified, the field's value will appear only where referenced in text objects (using &fieldname)
Indicates that the file should not be listed in normal directory listings
Hidden facts, feelings, activities, or problems are not easy to notice or discover. Under all the innocent fun, there are hidden dangers, especially for children
not accessible to view; "concealed (or hidden) damage"; "in stormy weather the stars are out of sight"
designed to elude detection; "a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole"; "a secret passage"; "the secret compartment in the desk"
hidden agenda
disapproval If you say that someone has a hidden agenda, you are criticizing them because you think they are secretly trying to achieve or cause a particular thing, while they appear to be doing something else. He accused foreign nations of having a hidden agenda to harm French influence. An undisclosed plan, especially one with an ulterior motive
hidden agenda
true intentions that are kept secret, plans that are not revealed
hidden defect
imperfection that is not immediately visible, physical defect that is not external
hidden file
(Computers) file which does not appear in a file list (usually in the service file of the activating system)
hidden hand
concealed hand
hidden hate
feeling of hate that is kept hidden in one's heart
hidden meaning
concealed intention or purpose, undisclosed significance
hidden message
concealed meaning
hidden reserve
reserves that do not show up on the balance sheet (as by understating values)
hidden scroll
secret scroll; concealed scroll
hidden side
side that is rarely seen, side that is kept concealed from others
hidden tax
a tax paid unwittingly by the consumer (such as ad valorem taxes)
hidden text
text displayed on the screen on a word processor but does not appear when the document is printed
hidden unemployment
level of unemployment not reflected in official figures due to those who are employed on a part-time basis or employed at positions beneath their abilities
the Hidden Scrolls
Hebrew scrolls that were discovered in the regions of the Dead Sea, books of explanations that were written in the days of the second temple and then concealed
was hidden
could not be seen, was concealed
Turkish - English

Definition of hidden} in Turkish English dictionary

perde arkası the hidden side of
a matter


    ... public, and subject to scrutiny so that defects can be discovered, so that hidden features ...
    ... seeing a whole bunch of hidden fees and hidden charges that you ...