
listen to the pronunciation of heterodyne
English - English
Of, two oscillations, having two slightly different frequencies such that, when combined, they produce a beat
The beat so produced
To change the frequency of a signal by such a process
Either the sum or difference of the two oscillations
To produce heterodyne interference in a radio
{i} detection technique used widely in radio which involves combining the measured wave with a wave of different frequency to produce frequencies equal to the amount of and the difference between the two original signals; interference (in particular whistle)
{f} produce heterodyne; combine radio-frequency waves; cause interference
(het) - a high-pitched sound caused by two carriers interfering with each other
combine (a radio frequency wave) with a locally generated wave of a different frequency so as to produce a new frequency equal to the sum or the difference between the two of or relating to the the beat produced by heterodyning two oscillations
{s} consisting of or produced by combined radio waves
To mix two radio signals of different frequencies to produce a third signal which is of lower frequency, i e , to produce beating
Having alternating currents of two different frequencies that are combined to generate a current that has sum and difference frequencies, either of which may be used in radio or television receivers by proper tuning or filtering
of or relating to the the beat produced by heterodyning two oscillations
A process of the shifting of a signal of interest down to a frequency at which it may be processed more easily to extract information
heterodyne receiver
a radio receiver that combines a locally generated frequency with the carrier frequency to produce a supersonic signal that is demodulated and amplified
supersonic heterodyne receiver
superheterodyne receiver
supersonic heterodyne receivers
plural form of supersonic heterodyne receiver



    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈhetərəˌdīn/ /ˈhɛtɜrəˌdaɪn/


    [ 'he-t&-r&-"dIn, 'he-tr ] (adjective.) 1908. hetero + dyne, power, frequency (from Greek dunamis, power).