Definition of heteroclitic in English English dictionary
In linguistics, particularly Indo-European Studies, signifying a stem which alternates between more than one form when declined for grammatical case. Examples of heteroclitic noun stems in Proto-Indo-European include *wodr- "water" (nominoaccusative *wódr; genitive *wednós; locative *wedén) and *yêkwr- "liver" (nominoaccusative *yêkwr, genitive *yekwnós). In Proto-Indo-European, heteroclitic stems tend to be noun stems with grammatically inanimate gender
In linguistics, particularly Proto-Indo-European studies: Signifying a stem which alternates between more than one form when declined for grammatical case. Examples of heteroclitic noun stems in Proto-Indo-European include *wodr- "water" (nominoaccusative *wódr; genitive *wednós; locative *wedén) and *yêk[w]r- "liver" (nominoaccusative *yêk[w]r, genitive *yek[w]nós). In Proto-Indo-European, heteroclitic stems tend to be noun stems with grammatically inanimate gender