hes the same as everyone else

listen to the pronunciation of hes the same as everyone else
English - German

Definition of hes the same as everyone else in English German dictionary

the same as
die gleichen wie
Hes the same as everyone else.
Er kocht auch nur mit Wasser
English - Dutch

Definition of hes the same as everyone else in English Dutch dictionary

the same as
hetzelfde als

Het weer hier is hetzelfde als in Frankrijk. - The weather here is the same as in France.

Niet willen is hetzelfde als hebben. - Not wanting is the same as having.

English - Swedish

Definition of hes the same as everyone else in English Swedish dictionary

the same as
samma som
English - Finnish

Definition of hes the same as everyone else in English Finnish dictionary

the same as
sama kuin
English - Portuguese

Definition of hes the same as everyone else in English Portuguese dictionary

the same as
o mesmo

Não querer é o mesmo que ter. - Not wanting is the same as having.

O belo nem sempre é o mesmo que o bom. - The beautiful is not always the same as the good.

English - Russian

Definition of hes the same as everyone else in English Russian dictionary

the same as
так же, как
English - Lehçe

Definition of hes the same as everyone else in English Lehçe dictionary

the same as
takie same jak
English - Danish

Definition of hes the same as everyone else in English Danish dictionary

the same as
det samme som
English - French

Definition of hes the same as everyone else in English French dictionary

the same as
les mêmes que

Les ondes cérébrales au cours du sommeil paradoxal sont les mêmes que lors de l'éveil, et c'est le stade auquel vous faites des rêves. - The brain waves during REM sleep are the same as when awake, and it's the stage when you have dreams.

English - Chinese

Definition of hes the same as everyone else in English Chinese dictionary

the same as
the same as
the same as
the same as
the same as
hes the same as everyone else