here and over there

listen to the pronunciation of here and over there
English - Turkish

Definition of here and over there in English Turkish dictionary

here and there
ara sıra
here and there
ordan burdan
here and there
oradan buradan
here and there
burada şurada
here and there
ötede beride
here and there
here and there
şurada burada
here and there
tek tük

Tek tük delikler buldum. - I found holes here and there.

Odada tek tük kitaplar vardı. - There were books lying here and there in the room.

here and there
sağa sola
here and there
öteye beriye
here and there
orada burada
English - English

Definition of here and over there in English English dictionary

here and there
in one place and another

Here and there the brilliant rays penetrated to earth, but for the most part they only served to accentuate the Stygian blackness of the jungle's depths.

here and there
from time to time
here and there
this place and that place
here and there
in or to various places; first this place and then that; "he worked here and there but never for long in one town"; "we drove here and there in the darkness
here and there
hither and thither
here and there
here and over there

    Turkish pronunciation

    hîr ınd ōvır dher


    /ˈhər ənd ˈōvər ˈᴛʜer/ /ˈhɪr ənd ˈoʊvɜr ˈðɛr/