her health is getting better but she's not out of the woods yet

listen to the pronunciation of her health is getting better but she's not out of the woods yet
English - German
Es geht ihr (gesundheitlich) besser, aber sie ist noch nicht über dem Berg
her health is getting better but she's not out of the woods yet


    her health I·s get·ting bet·ter but she's not out of the Woods yet

    Turkish pronunciation

    hır helth îz getîng betır bʌt şiz nät aut ıv dhi wûdz yet


    /hər ˈhelᴛʜ əz ˈgetəɴɢ ˈbetər ˈbət ˈsʜēz ˈnät ˈout əv ᴛʜē ˈwo͝odz ˈyet/ /hɜr ˈhɛlθ ɪz ˈɡɛtɪŋ ˈbɛtɜr ˈbʌt ˈʃiːz ˈnɑːt ˈaʊt əv ðiː ˈwʊdz ˈjɛt/