hemming and hawing

listen to the pronunciation of hemming and hawing
English - Turkish
ham hum
hem and haw
(deyim) kem küm etmek
hem and haw
(deyim) mırın kırın etmek
English - English
Present participle of hem and haw
hem and haw
To discuss, deliberate, or contemplate rather than taking action

If you hem and haw long enough, someone else will do it first.

hem and haw
Avoid giving a clear answer, be evasive in speech. "He hemmed and hawed when I asked him if he knew where the missing money was."
hem and haw
utter `hems' and `haws'; indicated hesitation; "He hemmed and hawed when asked to address the crowd
hemming and hawing


    hem·ming and hawing

    Turkish pronunciation

    hemîng ınd hôîng


    /ˈheməɴɢ ənd ˈhôəɴɢ/ /ˈhɛmɪŋ ənd ˈhɔːɪŋ/