Definition of health services in English Turkish dictionary
(Askeri) SAĞLIK HİZMETLERİ: Fert veya toplulukların zihni veya bedeni huzurunu arttırmak, ıslah etmek, korumak veya yerine getirmek maksadıyla, yer bahis konusu olmaksızın yapılan, temin edilen veya düzenlenen bütün hizmetler. Önleyici ve tedavi edici sağlık tedbirlerini, tıbbi hizmet doktrinini, hasta ve yaralıların naklini, sıhhi bakımdan elverişli olanların seçilmesi, elverişsiz olanlara son işlem yapılmasını; tıbbi, diş, veteriner, laboratuvar ve göz servislerini içine alır; fakat, yalnız bunlara inhisar etmez
a US government department which is responsible for health programmes, and for providing money and support for people who are poor, people who have no jobs, and people who have stopped working because they are old
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Health and Human Services; "the first Secretary of Health and Human Services was Patricia Roberts Harris who was appointed by Carter
the position of the head of the Department of Health and Human Services; "the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services was created by Congress in 1979"