he just sits back and waits for new business to come to him

listen to the pronunciation of he just sits back and waits for new business to come to him
English - German
Er lehnt sich bequem zurück und wartet, dass ihm neue Aufträge in den Schoß fall
he just sits back and waits for new business to come to him


    he just sits back and waits for new busi·ness to come to him

    Turkish pronunciation

    hi cîst sîts bäk ınd weyts fôr nyu bîznıs tı kʌm tı îm


    /ˈhē ʤəst ˈsəts ˈbak ənd ˈwāts ˈfôr ˈnyo͞o ˈbəznəs tə ˈkəm tə əm/ /ˈhiː ʤɪst ˈsɪts ˈbæk ənd ˈweɪts ˈfɔːr ˈnjuː ˈbɪznəs tə ˈkʌm tə ɪm/